Monday, July 25, 2005
18.30-20.00 h
II.1 Plenary Room:
Oral presentation: Plenary Speech 1
CHAIR Lieven, Elena (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Learning and generalization: lessons from neural networks (Oral presentation)
Jeff Elman
Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, USA
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
09.00-10.30 h
III.1 Plenary Room:
Oral presentation: Plenary Speech 2
CHAIR Klann-Delius, Gisela (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS From word to sentence processing: ERPs as a window to language development (Oral presentation)
Angela D. Friederici
Max Planck Institute für Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
11.00-13.00 h
IV.1 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 1
CHAIR Schelletter, Christina (United Kingdom)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Noun and verb naming in German and Korean: a crosslinguistic study (Oral presentation)
*Christina Kauschke (1), *Hae-Wook Lee (2), *Soyeong Pae (3)
(1) University of Potsdam, Institute of Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany; (2) Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Pusan, Korea; (3) Hallym University, Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Hallym, Korea
First words, nouns, and verbs – data from two East African languages (Oral presentation)
*K. J. Alcock (1), K. Rimba (2), A. Abubakar (2), P. Holding (2)
(1) Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom; (2) Center for Geographic Medicine-Coast, KEMRI, Kilifi, Kenya
Are nouns always learned before verbs? (Oral presentation)
*Naime Feyza Türkay, *Hatice Sofu
Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey
A prospective study to identify early predictors of language delay at 4 years: A report on 8- and 12-month data from the CSBS and MCDI (Oral presentation)
Sheena Reilly (1), *Edith L. Bavin (1), Melissa Wake (2), Margot Prior (3), Jo Williams (2), Patricia Eadie (1), Yin Barrett (2)
(1) La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia; (2) Royal Children\'s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia; (3) Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia
IV.2 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 2
CHAIR Grimm, Angela (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Early Prosodic Word Acquisition in Catalan and in Spanish (Oral presentation)
Pilar Prieto (1), Marta Saceda (2)
(1) ICREA-UAB, Barcelona, Spain; (2) UAB-UB, Barcelona, Spain
Phonological features in early words: Evidence from perception and production (Oral presentation)
*Suzanne van der Feest, Paula Fikkert
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Foot, Word and Phrase Constraints in First Language Acquisition of Spanish Stress by Monolingual and Bilingual Children (Oral presentation)
*Conxita Lleó, *Javier Arias
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Liaison, construction and word formation in French: a developmental scenario (Oral presentation)
*Jean-Pierre Chevrot (1), Céline Dugua (1), Michel Fayol (2)
(1) Lidilem, Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France; (2) LAPSCO, Université Blaise Pascal-CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand, France
IV.3 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 3
CHAIR Nicoladis, Elena (Canada)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Crosslinguistic structures in the acquisition of WH-questions in an Italian Indonesian bilingual child. (Oral presentation)
Antonia Soriente
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta, Indonesia
Word order in bilingual language acquisition. The position of direct objects in Spanish and Basque (Oral presentation)
*Andoni Barreña (1), Margareta Almgren (2)
(1) University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain; (2) University of the Basque Country, Vitoria, Spain
Basic word order in Basque-Spanish bilingual children (Oral presentation)
*Maria Pilar Larranaga
UWE, Bristol, United Kingdom
Acquisition of verb placement in early successive acquisition of German and in German SLI (Oral presentation)
Monika Rothweiler
Department of Special Needs Education, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
IV.4 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 4
CHAIR Behrens, Heike (The Netherlands)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Getting and Maintaining Attention in Conversations with Young Children (Oral presentation)
*Eve V. Clark, Bruno Estigarribia
Stanford University, Stanford, USA
The understanding of ambiguous statements within conversational settings by 6 to 12 year old children (Oral presentation)
*Ioanna Berthoud, *Helga Kilcher
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Topic as an achievement: Pointing and context as constituents in early picture book conversation (Oral presentation)
Sari Karjalainen
Graduate School in Language Studies, University of Helsinki, Department of Speech Sciences/Logopedics, Finland
Explanations performed by children aged from 3 to 11 as a window into discourse and gesture development (Oral presentation)
*Jean-Marc Colletta (1), Catherine Pellenq (2)
(1) LIDILEM, IUFM de Grenoble, France; (2) L.S.E., IUFM de Grenoble, France
IV.5 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 5
CHAIR Armon-Lotem, Sharon (Israel)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Number Agreement in French SLI (Oral presentation)
*Leslie Roulet, Célia Jakubowicz
Laboratoire de Psychologie Expérimentale, Paris, France
Specific Language Impairment in German-speaking Children: Is there a difference in the children’s morphology to the morphology of phonologically impaired children? (Oral presentation)
*Juliane Girndt, Carolyn Letts, Thomas Klee
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Elicitation of the Passé Composé in French Children with Specific Language Impairment (Oral presentation)
*Phaedra Royle (1), Elin Thordardottir (2)
(1) School of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; (2) School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Association – rule – road-learning? Findings from German school children with and without specific language impairment. (Oral presentation)
*Christa Kieferle (1), Christiane Hofbauer (2)
(1) Bruckmuehl, Germany; (2) Universität München, München, Germany
IV.6 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 6
CHAIR Powers, Susan (USA)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Early bare infinitives are universally non-finite ... but not always infinitives! (Oral presentation)
*Martine Coene (1), Helena Taelman (1), Larisa Avram (2), Steven Gillis (1)
(1) University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; (2) University of Bucarest, Bucarest, Romania
Early production of root infinitives in Austrian German and in French: what is the role of the input? (Oral presentation)
*Sabine Laaha (1), Dominique Bassano (2)
(1) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; (2) CNRS - Université Paris , Paris, France
Testing Wexler\'s Unique Checking Constraint with data from Early Child Spanish (Oral presentation)
*Javier Aguado-Orea (1), Julian Pine (2)
(1) Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, Spain; (2) University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Finiteness in impaired L1 acquisition and untutored L2 acquisition of German (Oral presentation)
Christine Dimroth (1), *Katrin Lindner (2)
(1) MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; (2) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
IV.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 7
CHAIR Stadie, Nicole (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Reading in the absence of speech (Oral presentation)
Celina Macedo (1), José Morais (2), Règine Kolinsky (2)
(1) Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil,USCF; (2) Brussel, Belgique, ULBA
Do profoundly deaf readers use graphophonological correspondences? (Oral presentation)
*Daniel Daigle
Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Phonological Awareness of Sign and Rhyme and the Relationship with Reading in Deaf Children Whose Preferred Language is British Sign Language (Oral presentation)
*Deborah James, Mairead MacSweeney
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, UK (2) Institute of Child Health, London, UK
Bilingualism in deaf children and reading. A crosslinguistic Spanish-English study. (Oral presentation)
*Isabel García-Gómez (1), Gary Morgan (2)
(1) Dpt. of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Seville, Spain; (2) Dpt. of Language and Communicative Science Department, City University, London
IV.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 8
CHAIR Stoll, Sabine (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Distributed Learning Effect for Children\'s Acquisition of an Abstract Syntactic Construction: Are schematization and analogy universal, domain general learning processes? (Oral presentation)
*Ben Ambridge
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Connectionist models and neurobiological plausibility in language learning (Oral presentation)
*Fabio Alves (1), Fernando Ferreira Junior (2)
(1) Univerdidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; (2)Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica, Ouro Preto, Brazil
IV.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 9
CHAIR Aydemir, Emily (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Null objects in child French: Are they speaking Chinese? (Oral presentation)
Theres Grüter
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
A discourse-pragmatic analysis of subject omission in early child English (Oral presentation)
*Mary E. Hughes, Shanley Allen
Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Scope and c-command in early Turkish (Oral presentation)
Nihan Ketrez
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA
Comprehension of English subject raising constructions by normally developing children (Oral presentation)
Karen Froud (1), Ken Wexler (2), *Vina Tsakali (3)
(1) Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA; (2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA; (3) University College London, London, UK
IV.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 10
CHAIR Andonova, Elena (Bulgaria)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Metaphonological awarensss and reading development in Down\'s syndrome: Evidence from Malayalam (Oral presentation)
Ramesh Kumar Mishra
Dept. of Speech Pathology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing Mysore, Karnataka, India
Early grammatical development of a boy with Down syndrome using manual signs and spoken Finnish (Oral presentation)
Kaisa Launonen
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Adaptations of McArthur CDI for the study of language development in Children with Down Syndrome: validity and reliability (Oral presentation)
*Miguel Galeote-Moreno (1), Marta Casla (2), Pilar Soto (2), Eugenia Sebastián (2), Rocío Rey (1)
(1) Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain; (2) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Language in boys with fragile X syndrome: Questioning the validity of matching on MLU (Oral presentation)
*Yonata Levy
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
14.30-16.00 h
V.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 1
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Weaker Language of Bilinguals: A Case of Second Language Acquisition in Early Childhood? (Symposia)
*Jürgen M. Meisel (1), Suzanne Schlyter (2), Gisela Håkansson (2), Natascha Müller (3), Lydia White (4)
(1) Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany; (2) Lund University, Lund, Sweden; (3) Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany; (4) McGill University, Montreal, Canada
V.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 2
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Studies of the Onset of Word Form Recognition: Behavioural and Neurophysiological Approaches (Symposia)
*Marilyn Vihman (1), Guillaume Thierry (1), Jarrad Lum (2), Sven Mattys (3)
(1) University of Wales, Bangor, UK; (2) University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; (3) University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
V.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 3
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Roots or Edges? A Comparative Study of Mayan Children’s Early Verb Forms (Symposia)
*Penelope Brown (1), *Lourdes de León (2), *Barbara Pfeiler (3), *Pedro Mateo (4), *Clifton Pye (4)
(1) Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland; (2) CIESAS-Sureste, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico; (3) U. Autónoma de Yucatán, Merida, Mexico; (4) University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
V.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 4
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Picture Recognition Approaches to Comprehension: Neuroscience, Cross-Linguistic and Atypical Development Perspectives (Symposia)
*Margaret Friend (1), *Leslie J. Carver (2), Elizabeth Bates (2), *Donna Thal (1), Melanie Keplinger (3), *Pascal Zesiger (3), Marie Brun (3), Arik Levy (3), Muriel Taccoz (3), Philip Dale (4)
(1) San Diego State University, San Diego, USA, (2) University of California, San Diego, USA, (3) University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, (4) University of Missouri-Columbia, St. Louis USA
V.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 5
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Adolescing SLI: Language, Cognitive and Social Outcomes in Specific Language Impairment (Symposia)
*Gina Conti-Ramsden (1), *Susan Ellis-Weismer (2), *Nicola Botting (1), *Bruce Tomblin (3), *Kevin Durkin (4)
(1) School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; (2) Waisman Centre, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA; (3) Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Iowa, Iowa, USA; (4) Department of Psychology, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
V.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 6
PANELISTS AND PAPERS What is Innate and What Can Be Learnt through Experience: The Innateness Hypothesis Revisited (Symposia)
*Theodoros Marinis (1), *Charles Yang (2), *Tom Roeper (3), *Ianthi Maria Tsimpli (4), *Gary Morgan (5)
(1) University College London, London, UK, (2) Yale University, New Haven, USA, (3) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, (4) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, (5) City University London, London, UK
V.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 11
CHAIR Ravid, Dorit (Israel)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Diminutives as Pioneers of Derivational and Inflectional development – a Crosslinguistic Perspective (Oral presentation)
*Ineta Savickiene (1), Wolfgang U. Dressler (2), Ursula Stephany (3), Katharina Korecky-Kröll (4), Marijan Palmovic (5), Nihan Ketrez (6), Virag Barcza (7)
(1) Vytautas Magnus university, Kaunas, Lithuania; (2) Vienna university, Vienna, Austria; (3) University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; (4) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; (5) University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; (6) University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA; (7) Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Acquiring Diminutive Structures and Meanings in Hebrew (Oral presentation)
*Anat Hora,Galit Ben-Zvi, Ronit Levie
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Playing with the endings of words: The effect of switching between simplex and diminutive forms of a noun on morphology acquisition in Russian (Oral presentation)
*Vera Kempe (1), Patricia J. Brooks (2), Natalija Mironova (3), Angelina Pershukova (3), Olga Fedorova (3)
(1) University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland; (2) City University of New York, New York, USA; (3) Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
V.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 12
CHAIR Bosch, Laura (Spain)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Evaluating early speech segmentation in French: effects of rhythmic types and speech mode (Oral presentation)
*Thierry Nazzi (1), Galina Iakimova (1), Séverine Frédonie (1), Megha Sundara (2), Linda Polka (2)
(1) CNRS, Université Paris 5, Paris, France; (2) McGill University, Montreal, Canada
The use of phonological phrase boundary cues in word segmentation by French-learning infants. (Oral presentation)
*Séverine Millotte (1), Anne Christophe (1), Sylvie Margules (1), James Morgan (2)
(1) Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, EHESS-CNRS-ENS, Paris, France; (2) Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, USA
Does infant speech segmentation ability predict language outcomes in toddlers and pre-schoolers? (Oral presentation)
*Nan Bernstein Ratner (1), Rochelle Newman (1), Ann Marie Jusczyk (2), Kathy Dow (1), Jessica Ter Avest (1), Laura Gutowski (1), Peter Jusczyk (2)
(1) The University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland MD, USA; (2) The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, USA
V.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 13
CHAIR Gülzow, Insa (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Spatial language and reasoning in Tseltal Mayan (Oral presentation)
*Linda Abarbanell (1), Peggy Li (1), Anna Papafragou (2)
(1) Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; (2) University of Delaware, Newark, USA
Acquiring language-specific semantic spatial categories: Documenting the role of linguistic input (Oral presentation)
*Marianella Casasola, Jui Bhagwat, Kim Ferguson
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
The spatial reference in children\'s narratives (Oral presentation)
Aude Laloi
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
V.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 14
CHAIR Böhning, Marita (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The acquisition of productive vocabulary in Spanish Down syndrome children (Oral presentation)
Pilar Soto (1), *Miguel Galeote (2), Marta Casla (1), Antonio Serrano (2), Aurora Gómez (1), Laura Pulido (1)
(1) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; (2) Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain
Bilingual Children with Down Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study (Oral presentation)
*Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird (1), Patricia L. Cleave (1), Natacha Trudeau (2), Elin Thordardottir (3), Ann Sutton (2)
(1) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; (2) Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada; (3) McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Narratives in Adolescents with Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS), Down syndrome (DS), Learning Disability / Mental Retardation (LD/MR) and Normally Developing Children (MA) (Oral presentation)
*Angela Gosch (1), Rainer Pankau (2)
(1) Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; (2) Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
16.30-18.00 h
VI.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 7
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Acquisition of Tense and Aspect: Towards an Explanation (Symposia)
*Yasuhiro Shirai (1, 2), Laura Wagner (3), Letitia Naigles (4), Richard M. Weist (5), Aleksandra Pawlak (6), Karen Hoffman (5), Elena Gavruseva (7), Ping Li (8), Xiaowei Zhao (8)
(1) Cornell University, Ithaca, USA; (2) Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; (3) The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA; (4) University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA; (5) State University of New York, Fredonia, USA; (6) Adam Mickiewicz University, Posnan, Poland; (7) University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA; (8) University of Richmond, Richmond, USA
VI.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 8
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Talking about Emotions : Crosslinguistic Aspects in Typical and Atypical Children (Symposia)
Michèle Guidetti (1), Judy S. Reilly (2, 3), Joan Stiles (4), Vanessa Charfen (4), Carla del Guercio (4), *Virginie Dardier (5), *Evelyne Thommen (6, 7), *Gisela Klann-Delius (8)
(1) University of Toulouse II, Toulouse, France; (2) San Diego State University, San Diego, USA; (3) University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France; (4) University of California, San Diego, USA; (5) University of Rennes II, Rennes, France; (6) University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; (7) EESP, Lausanne, Switzerland; (8) Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
VI.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 9
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Emergence of Verbal and Nominal Morphology from a Typological Perspective (Symposia)
*Wolfgang U. Dressler (1), *Klaus Laalo (2), Ayhan Aksu-Koc (3), Barbara Pfeiler (4), *Maria Voeykova (5), Natalia Gagarina (6), Melita Kovacevic (7), *Ursula Stephany (8), Marianne Kilani-Schoch (9), *Katharina Korecky-Kröll (10), Sabine Laaha (10), Steven Gillis (11), Aris Xanthos (9), Anastasia Christofidou (12), Gordana Hrzica, Nihan Ketrez, Marijan Palmovic
(1) Austrian Academy of Sciences, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; (2) Univ. of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; (3) BogazIcI Univ., Istanbul, Turkey; (4) Univ. of Mexico, Merida,Mexico; (5) Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; (6) ZAS, Berlin, Germany; (7) Univ. of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; (8) Univ. of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; (9) Univ. of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; (10) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; (11) Univ. of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium ; (12) Greek Academy of Sciences, Greek
VI.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 10
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language Development and Peer Language Socialization: Children’s Linguistic Competence in Their Peer Cultures (Symposia)
Lourdes de Leon (1), *Susan Ervin-Tripp (2), Iliana Reyes (3), Martin Lampert (4), Elena Escalera (5), Ann-Carita Evaldsson (6), *S. Bahar Koymen (7), Aylin C. Kuntay (7), Amy Kyratzis (8)
(1) CIESAS, Mexico; (2) University of California, Berkeley, USA; (3) University of Arizona, Tucson, USA; (4) Holy Names College, Oakland, USA; (5) St. Mary\'s College, Morago, USA; (6) Linköping University, Sweden; (7) Koc University, Turkey; (8) University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
VI.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 11
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Cross-Linguistic Investigations of the Syntactic Component in Children with SLI: Non-Local Dependencies and Wh-Movement (Symposia)
*Heather van der Lely (1), Theo Marinis (1), Anastasia Archonti (1), *Cornelia Hamann (2), *Celia Jakubowicz (3), *Elisabeth Fonteneau (1), *Naama Friedmann (4), Rama Novogrodsky (4), *Stavroula Stavrakaki (5)
(1) Centre for Developmental Language Disorders and Cognitive Neuroscience University College London, UK; (2) Dept. of English, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany; (3) LPE, CNRS, Université Paris 5, Paris, France; (4) School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel; (5) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
VI.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 12
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Cross-Situational Co-Variation in the Input as a Cue for Vocabulary Acquisition in Children and Machines (Symposia)
*Carmel Houston-Price (1), *Andrew D.M. Smith (2), *Paul Vogt (2)
(1) School of Psychology, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; (2) School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
VI.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 15
CHAIR Herold, Birgit (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Preference for phonetic patterns in pre-linguistic infants (Oral presentation)
*Rochelle Newman, Grace Yeni-Komshian
University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
Early (7 to 30 months) vocal activity: a missing link in language development?: results of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies with Spanish children. (Oral presentation)
*Susana López-Ornat (1), Alexandra Karousou (1), Carlos Gallego (1), Pilar Gallo (1), Sonia Mariscal (2)
(1) Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), MAádrid, Spain; (2) Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
VI.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 16
CHAIR Bryant, Doreen (USA)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Acquisition the Strong/Weak Inflectional Paradigm in German DPs (Oral presentation)
Julia Berger-Morales
UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
The acquisition of gender marking in young German-speaking children (Oral presentation)
*Gisela Szagun, Barbara Stumper, Nina Sondag, Melanie Franik
Department of Psychology, Oldenburg, Germany
Gender acquisition across languages: Dutch and French compared (Oral presentation)
Marlies van der Velde
CNRS, UMR 7023 - Université Paris-8 // CNRS, UMR 8581 - LPE, Université Paris-5
VI.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 17
CHAIR Sauerland, Ulrich (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Assessing second language proficiency in immigrant children (Oral presentation)
*Dörte Utecht, *Stefanie Haberzettl
Universität Bremen, FB 10: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Diagnosing language disorders in multilingual children: a contribution (Oral presentation)
Maria Manuela Julien
Haags Audiologisch Centrum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Bimodal development of Danish children with hearing loss (Oral presentation)
Martin Weis Lindegaard
Center for Language Acquisition, University of Southern Denmark
VI.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 18
CHAIR Bartke, Susanne (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language of space in Hungarian individuals with Williams syndrome: is there a special interaction? (Oral presentation)
*Agnes Lukacs (1), Csaba Pleh (2), Mihaly Racsmany (3)
(1) HAS - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Research Group on Neuropsychology and Psycholinguistics, Research Institute of Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; (2) HAS - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Research Group on Neuropsychology and Psycholinguistics, Department of Cognitive Science (3) HAS - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Research Group on Neuropsychology and Psycholinguistics, Institute of Psychology, University of Szeged, Hungary
Spatial Prepositions and Narrative Structure in Williams Syndrome (Oral presentation)
*Eliseo Diez-Itza, Aránzazu Antón, Marta Pérez-Toral, Joaquín F. Toral, Davinia F. Espejo, Verónica Martínez
Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Grammatical and lexical abilities in Williams Syndrome (Oral presentation)
*Victoria Joffe (1), Spyridoula Varlokosta (2)
(1) City University, London, United Kingdom; (2) University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
09.00-10.30 h
VII.1 Plenary Room:
Oral presentation: Plenary Speech 3
CHAIR Weissenborn, Jürgen (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Alternative Minimalist Visions of Language (Oral presentation)
Ray Jackendoff
Brandeis University, Waltham, USA
11.00-13.00 h
VIII.1 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 19
CHAIR Bartsch, Susanna (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The acquisition and use of verb argument structure in Mandarin Chinese (Oral presentation)
*Joanne Lee, Letitia Naigles
University of Connecticut, CT, USA
The development of Preferred Argument Structure patterns in the English transitive and intransitive constructions (Oral presentation)
Robert Maslen
Max Planck Child Study Centre, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
What Non-Agent Subjects Tell us about the Development of Verb Argument Structure: Evidence from the Acquisition of Change-of-State Verbs in Hebrew (Oral presentation)
*Sigal Uziel-Karl (1), Nancy Budwig (2)
(1) Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel Aviv, Israel; (2) Clark University, Worcester MA, USA
Argument structure development across multi-modal dialogic interaction (Oral presentation)
Barbara Kelly
Stanford University
VIII.2 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 20
CHAIR Gülzow, Insa (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Establishing referents for novel words: pragmatic inferences and specificity (Oral presentation)
Agnes Lukacs
Research Group on Neuropsychology and Psycholinguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences-BUTE-Research Institute of Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
The acquisition of animacy in Czech (Oral presentation)
*Denisa Bordag (1,2)
(1) University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; (2) Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The ups and downs of childrens\' acquisition of new words (Oral presentation)
Marnie E. Arkenberg, Keith E. Nelson, Yue Xuan, Ilana Feld
The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Lexical Development in Maltese Children: A Preliminary Investigation (Oral presentation)
*Daniela Gatt, Carolyn Letts, Thomas Klee
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
VIII.3 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 21
CHAIR Sofu, Hatice (Turkey)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Successive bilingualism within the critical period: child L2 vs. child L1 and adult L2 acquisition (Oral presentation)
Elma Blom
Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The acquisition of Basque and Spanish: evidence of language separation in successive bilingualism. (Oral presentation)
*Itziar Idiazabal, Margareta Almgren, Leire Beloki, Ibon Manterola
University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
The specificity of consecutive bilingualism in early childhood: a case study of a Russian-English-speaking child. (Oral presentation)
*Julia Yarmolinskaya, Isabelle Barriere
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
Kaqchikel and Spanish Bilingualism in Mayan Children (Oral presentation)
Ivonne Heinze Balcazar
California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, United States of America
VIII.4 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 22
CHAIR Kovacevic, Melita (Croatia)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS German and Russian child-directed speech: a construction-based analysis (Oral presentation)
*Elena Lieven, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Sabine Stoll
MPI-EVA, Leipzig, Germany
Characteristics of maternal input and its relation to children’s vocabulary development – a study on word production and frequency of word categories in German child-directed speech (Oral presentation)
*Christina Kauschke (1), Gisela-Klann-Delius (2), Raik Hachmeier (2)
(1) University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; (2) Free University, Berlin, Germany
Who is a “fine tuned” mother? Evidence from early verb learning by Hebrew-speaking children (Oral presentation)
*Esther Dromi, Hana Bibi
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Teaching a new word: Properties of IDS to 12-month-old German learning children (Oral presentation)
*Anja Müller (1), Barbara Höhle (2), Jürgen Weissenborn (1)
(1) Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; (2) University of Potsdam, Germany
VIII.5 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 23
CHAIR Herrmann, Heike (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Rates and Patterns of Syntax Acquisition by Children with Specific Language Impairment and by Children with Typical Language Levels (Oral presentation)
Keith Nelson, Marnie Arkenberg, Yue Xuan, Ilana Feld
Penn State University
The Import of Growth Timing for Causal Models of Language Acquisition and Impairment (Oral presentation)
Mabel Rice
University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Complex Sentence Production in Children with Specific Language Impairment (Oral presentation)
*Amanda J. Owen, Laurence B. Leonard
Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
The Use of Aspect markers in Mandarin-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment (Oral presentation)
Hintat Cheung
Graduate Institute of Linguistics National Taiwan University Taiwan
VIII.6 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 24
CHAIR Vihman, Marilyn (United Kingdom)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Two-year-old Dutch- and Russian speaking children: Exploring the vowel space (Oral presentation)
*Jeannette M. van der Stelt (1), Elena Lyakso (2), Alexandra Gromova (2)
(1) Institute of Phonetic Sciences/ACLC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; (2) Ukchtomsky Institute of Physiology, Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
In what ways phonological development differs:A preliminary analysis in Turkish, Korean and Hungarian (Oral presentation)
*Seyhun Topbas, Sertan Ozdemir
Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
The assessment of phonological movement in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) in two deaf children from the province of Quebec. (Oral presentation)
*Anne-Marie Parisot (1), Anne De la Durantaye (2)
(1) Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada; (2) Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Sub-segmental phonology in infants\' lexical representations (Oral presentation)
*Katherine White, James Morgan
Brown University, Providence, United States
VIII.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 25
CHAIR Brandt, Oda-Christina (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language development in a child with a congenital left temporal lesion and epilepsy, operated-on at the age of 45 months : a six-year follow-up study (Oral presentation)
*Marie-Thérèse Le Normand (1), Emmanuelle Maes (1), Ignacio Sfaella (2), Monica Zilbovicius (2), Alexis Arzimanoglou (1,3)
(1) INSERM et service de neuropédiatrie et des maladies métaboliques, Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France; (2) INSERM, ERM0205 et CEA Orsay, France; (3) Childhood Epilepsies Programme, Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France
White matter injury leading to selective long-term cognitive and language deficits: A study of language acquisition after perinatal brain lesion (Oral presentation)
*Blazenka Brozovic (1), Mirna Kostovic Srzentic (2), Marko Rados (3), Milos Judas (4), Tomislav Gojmerac (5), Vlatka Mejaski-Bosnjak (6), Ivica Kostovic (7)
(1) University of Zagreb Department of Speech and Language Pathology Croatian Institute for Brain Research Developmental Neurolinguistic Lab, Zagreb, Croatia; (2) Department of Health Psychology School of Health Studies Croatian Institute for Brain Research, Zagreb, Croatia; (3) Croatian Institute for Brain Research Medical School University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; (4) Croatian Institute for Brain Research Medical School University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; (5) Department of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital Medical School Zagreb Croatian Institute for Brain Research, Zagreb, Croatia; (6) Department of Pediatrics Children’s Hospital Medical School Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; (7) Croatian Institute for Brain Research Medical School University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Language disorders in Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes (Oral presentation)
*Cécile Monjauze (1), Laurice Tuller (1), Caroline Hommet (2), Abdelhamid Khomsi (1)
(1) Laboratoire langage et handicap,JE 2321, Tours, France; (2) Neurology and laboratoire INSERM 316, hôpital Bretonneau, CHRu Tours, France
Vocal imitation in “mother-child” dyads with children developing normally and children with neurological disorders: a longitudinal study (Oral presentation)
*Elena Lyakso, Olga Frolova
Saint-Petersburg State University, Uchtomsky Instirute of Physiology, Saint-Petersburg, University Em. 7/9, Russia
VIII.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 26
CHAIR Coll, Mercé (Spain)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Negation for free: Influence from Negative Polarity Items in acquisition (Oral presentation)
Heiner Drenhaus
University of Potsdam, Department of Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany
“Kids keep yelling at ya?” A new look at polar interrogatives (Oral presentation)
*Bruno Estigarribia
Stanford University, Stanford CA, United States of America
Early syntactic creativity: insights from computer simulations (Oral presentation)
Paul Vogt
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Visible and Invisible Extraction (Oral presentation)
Bart Hollebrandse, Leontine Kremers
Groningen University, Groningen, The Netherlands
VIII.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 27
CHAIR Lindner, Katrin (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Early linguistic profiles of infants at risk for dyslexia (Oral presentation)
*Charlotte Koster,Evelien Krikhaar, Pieter Been
Neuroimaging Center, School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences, University of Groningen, groningen, The Netherlands
Early phonology and morphosyntax in children with a genetic risk of dyslexia (Oral presentation)
Elise de Bree, Carien Wilsenach, Frank Wijnen
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Insights on the acquisition of the oral and sign language in Deaf Italians: Logogenia’s perspective. (Oral presentation)
Debora Musola (1), *Elisa Franchi (1), *Laura Mazzoni (2)
(1) University of Venice, Venice, Italy; (2) University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
FoxP2 and vocal learning in songbirds (Oral presentation)
*S. Haesler (1), K. Wada (2),W. Enard (5), P. Licznerski (3), P. Osten (3), E. Morrisey (4), E. Jarvis (2), C. Scharff (1)
(1) Max Planck Istitute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany; (2) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA; (3) Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany; (4) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA; (5) Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
VIII.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 28
CHAIR Aksu-Koc, Ayhan (Turkey)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Simplicity of form vs. complexity of structure - two approaches to word-formation acquisition (Oral presentation)
*Ewa Haman
Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland
Learning Evidential Morphology (Oral presentation)
* Peggy Li (1), Anna Papafragou (2), Chung-hye Han (3), Youngon Choi (4)
(1) Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; (2) University of Delaware, Newark, USA; (3) Chung-hye Han, Burnaby, Canada; (4) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
The emergence of grammaticality in French : evidence from bound verbal morphology and protomorphological fillers (Oral presentation)
Edy Veneziano (1), Christophe Parisse (2)
(1) LEAPLE et Equipe Développement et Fonctionnement Cognitifs, Université Paris 5-CNRS, Paris, France; (2) LEAPLE, Université Paris5-CNRS, Paris, France
The interaction between question formation and verbal morphology in the acquisition of Hebrew (Oral presentation)
Sharon Armon-Lotem
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
14.30-16.00 h
IX.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 13
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Disordered Language and Complex Syntax (Symposia)
*Thomas Roeper (1), Ina Reckling (2), Petra Schulz (3), Lamya Abdulkarim (4), Barbara Pearson (1), Uri Strauss (1), Uli Sauerland (5)
(1) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA; (2) University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; (3) University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany; (4) King Saud University, Riad, Saudi Arabia; (5) Centre for General Linguistics, Typology and Universals Research (ZAS), Berlin, Germany
IX.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 14
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Acquiring Nouns and Verbs across Languages and Cultures (Symposia)
Twila Tardif (1), *Cheri Chan (1), *Diane Poulin-Dubois (2), Yuriko Oshima-Takane (3), *Mutsumi Imai (4), Lianjing Li (5), Etsuko Haryu (6), Hiroyuki Okada (7), Jun Shigematsu (6), Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (8), Roberta Golinkoff (9), *Tracy Lavin (10), D. Geoffrey Hall (11), Dilys Leung (12), Dedre Gentner (10)
(1) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; (2) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; (3) McGill University, Montreal, Canada; (4) Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan; (5) Peking University, Beijing, China; (6) University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; (7) Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan; (8) Temple University, Philadelphia, USA; (9) University of Delaware, Newark, USA; (10) Northwestern University, Chicago, USA; (11) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; (12) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
IX.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 15
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Exploring the Effects of Prosody, Morphology, Frequency and Representation on the Development of Syllable Structure in Romance Languages (Symposia)
*Katherine Demuth (1), Pilar Prieto (2), Marta Bosch-Baliarda (3), Sonia Frota (4), Maria Joao Freitas (4), Marina Vigario (5), Conxita Lleó (6), Margaret Kehoe (6), Elizabeth McCullough (1)
(1) Brown University, Providence RI, USA; (2) ICREA and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; (3) Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; (4) Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; (5) Universidade do Minho; (6) University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
IX.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 16
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Role of Gesture in Language Development (Symposia)
*Seyda Özçaliskan (1), Jana M. Iverson (2), Kristine Jensen de Lopez (3), Susan Goldin-Meadow (1), Susan Cohen-Levine (1), Karyn Brasky (1), Molly Nikolas (1), M. Cristina Caselli (4), Emiddia Longobardi (5), Katia Spampinato (4), Arianna Bello (6), Olga Capirci (4), Virginia Volterra (4), Donna Thal (7)
(1) University of Chicago, Chicago, USA; (2) University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; (3) University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark; (4) Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology, CNR, Rome, Italy; (5) University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy; (6) Centro per lo studio delle disabilità neurocognitive dello sviluppo – Università di Parma, Italy; (7) California State University, San Diego, USA
IX.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 17
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Bilingual/Second Language Children and Specific Language Impairment (Symposia)
*Kathryn Kohnert (1), Jennifer Windsor (1), *Vera Gutierrez-Clellen (2), *Judit Steenge (3), Ludo Verhoeven (3), Hans Van Balkom (3), *Johanne Paradis (4), Martha Crago (5)
(1) University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA; (2) San Diego State University, San Diego, USA; (3) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; (4) University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; (5) McGill University, Montreal, Canada
IX.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 18
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Learning Complex Syntax (Symposia)
Holger Diessel (1), Evan Kidd (2), *Ewa Dabrowska (3), Elena Lieven (4), *Devin Casenhiser (5), Adele Goldberg (5), Joan Bybee (6)
(1) University of Jena, Germany; (2) University of Manchester, UK; (3) University of Sheffield (UK); (4) MPI-EVA, Leipzig, Germany; (5) Princeton University, USA; (6) University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
IX.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 29
CHAIR Christofidou, Anastasia (Greece)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Acquisition of aspectual markers in Bulgarian (Oral presentation)
Milena Kuehnast
Centre for General Linguistics, Typology and Universals Research (ZAS) Berlin, Germany
The interaction of Tense and Aspect in the acquisition of child Greek (Oral presentation)
Sophia Delidaki
The University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Children\'s Comprehension of Particle Verbs and Aspect (Oral presentation)
Liane Jeschull
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, & University of Leipzig, Germany
IX.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 30
CHAIR Drenhaus, Heiner (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The acquisition of irregular plurals in Brazilian Portuguese (Oral presentation)
*Thaïs Cristófaro-Silva (1), Christina Gomes (2), Daniela Guimarães (1), Ana Paula Huback (3)
(1) Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; (2) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (3) Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and University of New Mexico, USA
The acquisition of prosodically complex words in German L1 (Oral presentation)
Angela Grimm
University of Potsdam, University of Groningen
Is epenthesis a means to optimize feet? The answer is determined by methodological choices. (Oral presentation)
*Helena Taelman
Universiteit Antwerpen - CNTS, Antwerpen, Belgium
IX.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 31
CHAIR Richter, Antje (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Relationship between Verbosity and Nonverbal Behavior as an Indicator of Involvement in Parent-Child Interaction (Oral presentation)
Tsfira Lichtman
Ono Academic College, Kiriyat Ono, Israel
Uncertainty in peer co-narration (Oral presentation)
*Barbara Bokus
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Influence of Foreign House Maids on Saudi Children’s First Language Acquisition (Oral presentation)
*Reima Sado Al-Jarf
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
IX.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 32
CHAIR Böhning, Marita (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The phonological shape of inflected forms in German Williams syndrome (Oral presentation)
Martina Penke
Institut für Sprache und Information Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Linguistic markers of sociability in French-speaking children with Williams Syndrome: Is the profile consistent across contexts? (Oral presentation)
*Agnès Lacroix, Josie Bernicot
Université de Poitiers-CNRS, France
Phonological Characteristics in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Optimality Theory. (Oral presentation)
Cheryl Gamble
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
16.30-18.00 h
X.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 19
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Interaction of Input and Learning Mechanisms in Language Acquisition: Four Case Studies. (Symposia)
*Toby Mintz (1), Rushen Shi (2), Jesse Snedeker (3), Jeffrey Lidz (4)
ORGANIZERS: (1) University of Southern California, San Diego, USA; ABSTRACT-A: (1) Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada; ABSTRACT-B: (1) University of Southern California, San Diego, USA; (1) University of Southern California, San Diego, USA; (2) Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada; (3) Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; (4) Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
X.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 20
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Children\'s Difficulties with Language, Literacy and Word Retieval (Symposia)
*Elizabeth Simmonds (1), *Diane German (2), Rochel Newman (3), *Jenny Thompson (4), Usha Goswami (4), *Julie Dockrell (5), David Messer (6), Victoria Murphy (7)
(1) University College, London, UK; (2) National Louis University, USA; (3) University of Maryland, USA; (4) University of Cambridge, UK; (5) Institute of Education, UK, (6) Open University, UK; (7) University of Oxford, UK
X.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 21
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Interpreting Children’s Errors in First Language Acquisition (Symposia)
*Javier Aguado-Orea (1), *Ben Ambridge (2), Sarah Fletcher (2), Daniel Freudenthal (2), Fernand Gobet (3), *Julian Pine (2), *Caroline Rowland (2), *Michael Tomasello (Discussant) (4)
(1) mAntonio de Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain; (2) University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; (3) Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK; (4) Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany
X.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 22
PANELISTS AND PAPERS From Homesign to Emerging Language: A Cross-Cultural, Developmental Survey of Young Languages. ABSTRACT-A: Young homesigners\' gestures across three cultures. ABSTRACT-B: An emerging language across two generations (ABSL). ABSTRACT-C: Coreference in adult homesign systems in Nicaragua. ABSTRACT-D: Competing coreference devices in Nicaraguan Sign Language. (Symposia)
*Sarah Van Deusen Phillips (1), Asli Ozyürek (2,3), Carolyn Mylander (1), Burcu Sancar (1), Mark Aronoff (4), Irit Meir (5), Carol Padden (6), *Wendy Sandler (5), *Marie Coppola (1), *Ann Senghas (7), Eve Clark (8)
(1) University of Chicago, Chicago, USA; (2) FC Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging; (3) Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands; (4) SUNY Stony-Brook, Stony Brook, USA; (5) University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel; (6) University of California-San Diego, San Diego, USA; (7) Barnard College of Columbia University, New York, USA; (8) Stanford University, Stanford, USA
X.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 23
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Children with SLI: Information Processing in Different Domains (Symposia)
*Edith L. Bavin (1), *Lum, Jarrad A. G. (2), *Kristy Dodwell (1), *Alison Barnard (1), Peter Wilson (3), Paul Maruff (4)
(1) LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia; (2) University of Manchester, Manchester, England; (3) RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia; (4) CogState, Melbourne, Australia
X.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 24
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language Choice and Code-Switching in Multilingual Acquisition (Symposia)
Suzanne Quay (1), Iliana Reyes (2), *Nereyda Hurtado (3) *Regina Köppe (4) *Keiko Nakamura (5) *Nathalie Niederberger (6)
(1) International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan; (2) University of Arizona, Tucson, USA; (3) Stanford University, Stanford, USA; (4) University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; (5) Keio University, Tokyo, Japan; (6) University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
X.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 33
CHAIR Yatsushiro, Kazuko (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS A Late and Selective Semantic Deficit in Specific Language Impairment (Oral presentation)
Uli Sauerland
Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany
Semantic skills of children with language impairments and autistic spectrum disorders (Oral presentation)
Courtenay Frazier Norbury
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
The acquisition of the semantics of exhaustive wh-questions from a cross-linguistic perspective (Oral presentation)
*Petra Schulz (1), Tom Roeper (2), Barbara Zurer Pearson (2)
(1) University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany; (2) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
X.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 34
CHAIR Fox, Annette (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The acquisition of consistent word realisation in German-speaking children aged 2;0-2;11 (Oral presentation)
*Blanca Schaefer (1), Annette V. Fox (2)
(1) Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom; (2) EFF University of Applied Sciences, Idstein, Germany
Voicing and place contrasts acquisition in the Brazilian Portuguese by normal and delayed children (Oral presentation)
*Catia de Azevedo Fronza
UNISINOS, São Leopoldo, Brazil
Relations between production and judgment of acceptability between 2 and 6 years-old: the case of the French liaison (Oral presentation)
*Aurélie Nardy, Jean-Pierre Chevrot
LIDILEM, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, France
X.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 36
CHAIR Pfeiler, Barbara (Mexico)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS A cross-linguistic study of low-income families: Mother-child communication in the U.S. and Venezuela (Oral presentation)
*Beatrice Schnell-Anzola (1), Meredith Rowe (2), Barbara Alexander Pan (1), Robert LeVine (1)
(1) Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, USA; (2) University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Do Fathers Contribute to Children\'s Early Language in Low Socioeconomic Sstatus Families ? (Oral presentation)
*Lori Roggman, Lisa Boyce, Gina Cook, Katie Christiansen, DeAnn Jones
Utah State University, Logan, Utah, United States of America
Initial acquisition of nouns and verbs in Tzeltal speaking children. (Oral presentation)
*Dedre Gentner (1), Penelope Brown (2) Kathleen Braun (1)
(1) Northwestern University, Evanston, USA; (2) Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
18.30 h
XI.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Special Symposium
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Crosslinguistic Research Paradigm for the Study of Child Language Development: History, Theory, and Directions Special Symposium in Honor of Dan Slobin (Symposia)
Nancy Budwig (1); Jiansheng Guo (2); Kei Nakamura (3); *Michael Bamberg (1); *Ruth Berman (4); *Melissa Bowerman (5); *Susan Ervin-Tripp (6); *Judy Reilly (7,8); *Dan Slobin (6)
(1) Clark University, USA; (2) California State University, Hayward, USA; (3) Keio University/International Christian University, Japan; (4) Tel Aviv University, Israel; (5) Max Planck Institute, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; (6) University of California, Berkeley, USA; (7) San Diego State University, USA; (8) Université de Poitiers, France
Thursday, July 28, 2005
09.00-10.30 h
XII.1 Plenary Room:
Oral presentation: Plenary Speech 4
CHAIR Meisel, Jürgen (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language, core knowledge, and the biological foundations of math and science (Oral presentation)
Elizabeth S. Spelke
Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
11.00-13.00 h
XIII.1 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 37
CHAIR Bartsch, Susanna (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The relation between mental verbs and ToM performance: Evidence from Turkish children (Oral presentation)
Ayhan Aksu-Koc, *Gunes Avci, Cagla Aydin, Nihan Sefer, Yesim Yasa
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
“that’s me thinking in your head”: theory of mind and semantic development in children with autism. (Oral presentation)
Susan Douglas
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia
Japanese Children\'s Early Understanding of Epistemic Particles and Its Effect on False-Belief Reasoning (Oral presentation)
*Tomoko Matsui (1), Yui Miura (1), Hannes Rakoczy (2), Michael Tomasello (2)
(1) International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan; (2) Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
The use of psychological state terms by late talkers at ages 3, 4, and 5 years. (Oral presentation)
Eliza Carlson Lee, *Leslie Rescorla
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
XIII.2 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 38
CHAIR Kühnast, Milena (Bulgaria)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS ‘Kiffer’ is an agent, ‘feeky’ is a quality: Young children’s recognition of English derivational morphemes (Oral presentation)
Laura Gonnerman
Department of Psychology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA
Implications of derivational transparency on the acquisition of lexicon (Oral presentation)
*Marijan Palmovic, Gordana Hrzica, Maja Mustapic
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Lexical and morphological knowledge in the development of Hebrew derived nouns across adolescence (Oral presentation)
Batia Seroussi
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
The role of the lexicon in children\'s interpretation of novel compound words (Oral presentation)
*Andrea Krott (1), Christina Gagné (2)
(1) University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; (2) Universtity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
XIII.3 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 39
CHAIR Serratrice, Ludovica (United Kingdom)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Asymmetry in early bilingual lexical development: more evidence for dissociations between comprehension and production. (Oral presentation)
*Annick De Houwer (1), Marc H. Bornstein (2)
(1) University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; (2) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA
Bilingual and Monolingual Semantic Development: Evidence from a Repeated Word Association Task (Oral presentation)
*Li Sheng (2), Karla McGregor (2), Viorica Marian (1)
(1) Northwestern University, Evanston, USA; (2) University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Early word recognition in bilinguals: differential sensitivity to vowel mispronunciations in known words. (Oral presentation)
*Marta Ramon-Casas (1), Laura Bosch (1), Daniel Swingley (2), Núria Sebastian-Gallés (1)
(1) Universitat de Barcelona, Departament Psicologia Bàsica, Parc Científic Barcelona, Spain; (2) University of Pennsylvania, USA
The Acquisition of Thai classifiers in bilingual children: A longitudinal study (Oral presentation)
*Jaruluck Ngamluck
Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
XIII.4 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 40
CHAIR Drenhaus, Heiner (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS How do Children First Talk about Number? Antecedents to Plural Marking (Oral presentation)
*Eve V. Clark, Tatiana V. Nikitina
Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Three dogs and three barks: How abstract are children\'s number words? (Oral presentation)
*Yi Ting Huang, Jesse Snedeker, Elizabeth Spelke
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Speaking for Thinking or how do children learn to understand basic temporal concepts? (Oral presentation)
*Barbara Schmiedtová, Petra Gretsch
MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Neural correlates of semantic processing in 20-month-olds (Oral presentation)
Janne von Koss Torkildsen
Department of Linguistics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
XIII.5 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 41
CHAIR Mueller Gathercole, Virginia (United Kingdom)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Phonological effects on past tense over-regularisation in typical development and Grammatical-SLI (Oral presentation)
*Chloe Marshall, Heather van der Lely
University College, London, UK
Acquisition of Morphophonology in Typically Developing Children and Children with Specific Language Impairment. (Oral presentation)
*Annemarie Kerkhoff, Elise de Bree
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Three phonological theories at test about language impairment in French-speaking children (Oral presentation)
*Christophe Parisse (1), Christelle Maillart (2)
(1) LEAPLE, Villejuif, France; (2) UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
Milestones in Impaired and Unimpaired First Language Acquisition: Why the Sequence Cannot Easily Be Violated (Oral presentation)
Stephen D. Oller, Liang Chen, *John W. Oller Jr.
University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
XIII.6 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 42
CHAIR Martinot, Claire (France)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Phon: a computerized database for research in phonological acquisition (Oral presentation)
*Yvan Rose (1), Brian MacWhinney (2), Rodrigue Byrne (1), Harold Wareham (1), Gregory Hedlund (1), Philip O’Brien (3)
(1) Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John\'s, Canada; (2) Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA; (3) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
A new method for analysing vowel productions cross-linguistically: Data from Hungarian- and Dutch-speaking children (Oral presentation)
*Krisztina Zajdó (1), Jeannette M. van der Stelt (2)
(1) University of Wyoming, Division of Communication Disorders, Laramie, Wyoming, United States of America; (2) University of Amsterdam, Institute of Phonetic Sciences/ACLC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Acquiring phonological alternations (Oral presentation)
*Katherine White (1), James Morgan (1), Sharon Peperkamp (2), Cecilia Kirk (3)
(1) Brown University, Providence, United States; (2) Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, Paris, France; (3)University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Phonotactic Clues to Rhotic Structure in Brazilian Portuguese (Oral presentation)
Eleonora Albano
State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
XIII.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 43
CHAIR Coll, Mercé (Spain)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Functions of questions in «adult-child» dialogues (based on Russian) (Oral presentation)
Viktoria Kazakovskaya
Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Linguistic Studies, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Evaluation Processes in L2 European Portuguese Spontaneous and Elicited Narrative Discourse (Oral presentation)
Hanna J. Batoreo
Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal
Developmental patterns of communicative acts in Japanese children (Oral presentation)
*Hiromi Tsuji, Rhona Stainthorp
Osaka Shoin Women\'s University, Nara, Japan
Japanese children's interaction skills in triadic family discourse (Oral presentation)
*Hiroko Kasuya, Kayoko Uemura
Bunkyo Gakuin University, Fujimino, Japan
XIII.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 44
CHAIR Westergaard, Marit (Norway)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Productivity with the German transitive: preferential-looking versus pointing (Oral presentation)
*Miriam Dittmar, Kirsten Abbot-Smith
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Verb Productivity and Dative Shift (Oral presentation)
*Erin Conwell, Katherine Demuth
Brown University, Providence, USA
Growth in syntactic complexity between 4 years of age and adulthood (Oral presentation)
Dorothy Bishop, *David McDonald
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Joint attention in verb argument realization (Oral presentation)
Barbora Skarabela
Boston University, United States of America
XIII.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 45
CHAIR Darcy, Isabelle (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Development of vocalizations of deaf and normally hearing infants (Oral presentation)
*Chris Clement (1), Anne Baker (2), Florien van Beinum (3)
(1) Centre for Child Studies, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; (2) Section Psycholinguistics, Language Pathology and Sign Linguistics, Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; (3) Institute of Phonetic Sciences, Amsterdam Centre for Language and Communication, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Speech and language acquisition after Cochlear Implantation: A longitudinal study (Oral presentation)
*Steven Gillis (1), Paul Govaerts (2), Karen Schauwers (1)
(1) University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; (2) The Eargroup, Antwerp, Belgium
Deaf children acquiring ASL classifiers: Errors and Pattern of Development in a Signed Language. (Oral presentation)
*Silke Brendel, Robert Hoffmeister, Sarah Fish
Center for the Study of Communication and the Deaf, Boston University, Boston, USA
Narrative development in German Sign Language and Written Language: Developmental asynchronies and language contact (Oral presentation)
(1) Knut Weinmeister, (2) Carolina Plaza Pust
(1) Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin, Germany; (2) J. W. Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt, Germany
XIII.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 46
CHAIR Dimroth, Christine (The Netherlands)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Word-category Linkage in 12-month-old Infants (Oral presentation)
Sabine Weinert, *Dajie Zhang Topp
Lehrstuhl Psychologie I, Universität Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany
A cross-linguistic study of the role of syntactic cues in verb acquisition : results from 23-month old infants. (Oral presentation)
*Savita Bernal (1), Jeffrey Lidz (1)(2), Sandra Waxman (3), Michel Dutat (1), Anne Christophe (1)
(1) LSCP (ENS-CNRS-EHESS), Paris, France; (2) Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA; (3) Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA
Audiovisual synchrony in infant language learning. (Oral presentation)
*George Hollich (1), Christopher Prince (2), Eric Mislivec (2), Nathan Helder (2)
(1) Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA; University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA
Developmental variations in language acquisition: A five-year follow-up study (Oral presentation)
*Peter B. Marschik, Christa Einspieler
Department of Systems Physiology, Centre of Physiological Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria
14.30-16.00 h
XIV.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 25
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Current Research on Language and Theory of Mind (Symposia)
*Jill de Villiers (1), Peggy Speas (2), Thomas Roeper (2), Peter A. de Villiers (1), Jennie Pyers (3)
(1) Smith College, Northhampton, USA; (2) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA; (3) Salk Institute, San Diego, USA
XIV.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 26
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Events, Verbs and the Roots of Argument Structure (Symposia)
*Gary Marcus (1), *Peter Gordon (2), Tracy Lavin (3), *Sandy Waxman (3), Keith Fernandes (1), Gary Marcus (1), Jennifer DiNubila (1), Athena Vouloumanos (4)
(1) NYU, New York, USA; (2) Teacher\'s College, New York, USA; (3) Northwestern m New York, USA; (4) McGill University, USA
XIV.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 27
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Vocalization Patterns in Canonical Babbling: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (Symposia)
*Barbara Davis (1), *Sophie Kern (2), *Peter F. MacNeilage (1), *Dilara Kocbas (3), *Inge Zink (4) *Marilyn Vihman (5)
(1) The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; (2) Laboratory Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France; (3) Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey; (4) Lab. Exp. ORL/ENT-dept, KU, Leuven, Belgium; (5) Department of Psychology, University of Wales-Bangor, Bangor, Wales
XIV.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 28
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Object Omission in Child Language (Symposia)
*Anna Gavarró (1), *Celia Jakubowicz (2), Laurie Tuller (3), *Natascha Müller (4), *Ana T. Pérez-Leroux (5), *Mihaela Pirvulescu (5), Yves Roberge (5), *Jeannette Schaeffer (6,7), *Kamil Ud Deen (8)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (2) Université Paris 5, Paris, France; (3) Université François-Rabelais, Tours, France; (4) Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany; (5) University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; (6) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; (7) UCLA, Los Angeles, USA; (8) University of Hawai\'i at Manoa, Manoa, Hawai\'i
XIV.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 29
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Late talkers and children with SLI - one group or two? (Symposia)
Julia Siegmüller (1), Dagmar Bittner (2), Leslie Rescorla (3), Donna J. Thal (4)
(1) Institut for General Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany; (2) Centre for General Linguistics, Typology and Universals Research (ZAS), Berlin, Germany; (3) Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA; (4) School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, USA
XIV.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 30
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Longitudinal Predictors of English and Spanish Language Growth in Spanish Speaking U.S. Preschool-Aged Children (Symposia)
*Mark S. Innocenti (1), Lisa K. Boyce (1), Lori A. Roggman (1), James F. Akers (1), *Patton O. Tabors (2), Mariela Páez (3), Young-Suk Kim (2), *Adele W. Miccio (4), *Carol Scheffner Hammer (4), *Catherine Snow (2)
(1) Early Intervention Research Insititute, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA; (2) Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; (3) Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; (4) Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
XIV.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 47
CHAIR Uziel-Karl, Sigal (Israel)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Why are some passives easier than others? - Structure and frequency in L1 acquisition of the passive and impersonal in Serbian/Croatian - (Oral presentation)
Milja Djurkovic
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
‚The PATIENT is domming the AGENT\' vs. \'der PATIENS dommt den AGENS\' (Oral presentation)
Kirsten Abbot-Smith
Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
The influence of prior discourse on children’s provision of auxiliary BE (Oral presentation)
*Anna Theakston
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
XIV.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 48
CHAIR Dressler, Wolfgang U. (Austria)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Noun grammaticization in French: prosodic and lexical factors on determiner use in children's speech (Oral presentation)
*Dominique Bassano, Isabelle Maillochon
CNRS - Université Paris 5, Paris, France
Category-less start of lexical development: evidence from categorial creativity (Oral presentation)
*Marian Erkelens
University of Amsterdam (ACLC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Can first determiners be considered plurifunctional? A longitudinal and cross-sectional study on French children. (Oral presentation)
*Anne Salazar Orvig (1), Rouba Hassan (2), Jocelyne Leber-Marin (3), Haydée Marcos (4), Aliyah Morgenstern (5), Jacques Parès (6)
(1) Université de Paris 3 - RFC - A1483, Paris, France; (2) Université de Lille 3 - Teodile, Lille, France; (3) RFC - EA1483 (Paris 3), Paris, France; (4) Laco, Poitiers, France; (5) Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, and Leaple, Paris, France; (6) RFC - EA1483 (Paris 3), Paris, France
XIV.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 49
CHAIR Toepel, Ulrike (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Knowledge of rare vocabulary in ASL (L1) and its relationship to vocabulary knowledge in English (L2) in Deaf children (Oral presentation)
*Sarah Fish (1), Robert Hoffmeister (1), Melissa Thrasher (2)
(1) Center for the Study of Communication and the Deaf, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA; (2) Center for Research and Training, The Learning Center for Deaf Children, Framingham, MA, USA
Characterizing patterns of triadic communication in low socioeconomic dyads with deafness and its linkage to vocabulary growth (Oral presentation)
Dalia Ringwald-Frimerman, *Esther Dromi
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Similarities and differences between the acquisition of sign language and spoken language in hearing disabled and deaf Dutch-speaking children with psychiatric impairment (Oral presentation)
*Annette Scheper (1), Claudia Blankenstijn (2)
(1) Research Centre for Children and Youth Psychiatry Curium, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands; Centre for Communication Disorders Sint Marie, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; (2) Research Centre for Children and Youth Psychiatry Curium, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands
XIV.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 50
CHAIR Richter, Antje (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS On the acquisition of presuppositions (Oral presentation)
*Kazuko Yatsushiro (1), Uli Sauerland (2)
(1) ZAS, Berlin, Germany; (2) ZAS, Berlin, Germany
*Paola Perucchini (1), Fabrizio Plescia (2)
(1) University of Rome \"RomaTre\", Rome, Italy; (2) University of Rome \"La Sapienza\", Rome, Italy
Eye gaze in turntaking in sign language interaction at ages 2;0-3;6 (Oral presentation)
Beppie van den Bogaerde, *Anne Baker
ACLC/Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
16.30-18.00 h
XV.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 31
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Learning to Make Sense of Sentences: The Development of Speech Processing Abilities in Children from 18 to 25 months. (Symposia)
*Anne Fernald (1), Renate Zangl (1), Jürgen Weissenborn (2), Barbara Höhle (3), Michaela Schmitz (3), Lynn Santelmann (4), Yael Gertner (5), Cynthia Fisher (5)
(1) Stanford University, Stanford, USA; (2) Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; (3) University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; (4) Portland State University, Portland, USA; (5) University of Illinois, Champaign, USA
XV.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 32
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Output as Input: The relationship of Production and Perception in Early Word Learning (Symposia)
*Marilyn Vihman (1), Rory DePaolis (2,3), Tamar Keren-Portnoy (1), Gert Westermann (4), Alice Turk (5), Catherine Mayo (5)
(1) University of Wales Bangor, UK; (2) University of Wales Bangor, UK; (3) James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA; (4) Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK; (5) University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
XV.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 33
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Noun Phrase Structure and Content in Later Language Development: Text-Based Crosslinguistic Analyses (Symposia)
*Ruth Berman (1), *Dorit Ravid (2), *Liliana Tolchinsky (3), Nayme Salas (3), *Harriet Jisa (4), Audrey Mazur (4)
(1) Department of Linguistics, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel; (2) School of Education & Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel; (3) Departament de Linguistica General, Unviersitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Espaňa; (4) Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Université Lumière, Lyon, France
XV.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 34
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Children’s Processing of Ellipsis: Syntax, Semantics and Discourse (Symposia)
Frank Wijnen (1), Doreen Bryant (2), Nada Vasić (1), Sergey Avrutin (1), Ayumi Matsuo (3), Nigel Duffield (3), Tom Roeper (4)
(1) Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; (2) Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany; (3) Western Bank University of Sheffield; (4) UMass, Amherst, Netherlands
XV.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 35
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Electrophysiology of Specific Language Impairment (Symposia)
*Richard G. Schwartz (1), *Johanna Barry (2), *Tanja Rinker (3), Gregor Kohls (3), Bianca Körner (3), Verena Maas (3), Swantje Zachau (3), Klaus Hennighausen (3), Michael Schecker (3), *Valéria Csépe (4), *Manuela Friedrich (5), Angela D. Friederici (5), Valerie Shafer* (6), Richard G. Schwartz (6), Hia Datta (6)
(1) City University of New York, New York, USA; (2) Oxford University, Oxford, UK; (3) University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany; (4) Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; (5) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; (6) The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, USA
XV.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 36
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Language Development of Minority Bilingual Children: Discriminating between Impairment and Normal Acquisition of Interlanguage/Ethnic Varieties (Symposia)
Carol W. Pfaff (1), Gudula List (2), Barbara Zurer Pearson (3), Gisela Håkansson (4), Monika Rothweiler (5), Inci Dirim (6), Kutlay Ya-mur (7), Elma Nap-Kolhoff (7), Ingrid Gogolin (5), Meral Dollnick (8), Ulrike Harnisch, Tooru Hayasi (9), Ilknur Kecik (10), Hülya Özcan (10), Normann Jørgensen (11), Mehmet-Ali Akinci (12)
(1) Free University of Berlin; (2) Cologne University; (3) University of Massachusetts; (4) Lund University, (5) Hamburg University, (6) Hannover University; (7) Tilburg University; (8) LISUM Berlin; (9) Tokyo University; (10) EskiÕehir University; (11) Copenhagen University; (12) DYALANG (CNRS Université de Rouen)
XV.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 51
CHAIR Ketrez, Nihan (USA)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Subject Positions and Information Structure in the Acquisition of Word Order: Evidence for Economy in Child Language (Oral presentation)
Marit R. Westergaard
University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
Parsing complex sentences on form and meaning: Prosodic cues and propositional boundaries in homesign gesture systems (Oral presentation)
*Amy L. Franklin, Marie Coppola
University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
XV.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 52
CHAIR Pfeiler, Barbara (Mexico)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Effects of syllable structure complexity on the early production of word-final grammatical morphemes (Oral presentation)
*Jae Yung Song, Katherine Demuth
Brown University, Providence, United States of America
The interaction of phonology and morphology in first language acquisition and Broca’s aphasia (Oral presentation)
Janet Grijzenhout (1), *Martina Penke (2)
(1) English Department, Instituut Vreemde Talen, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; (2) Institut für Sprache und Information, Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
On the intertwined emergence of grammar and lexicon:evidence from the acquisition of phonology (Oral presentation)
*Márcia Cristina Zimmer (1), Giovana Ferreira Gonçalves Bonilha (2)
(1) UNIRITTER, Porto Alegre, Brazil; (2) UFRGS - PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
XV.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 53
CHAIR Edwards, Celina (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The effect of polluting agents in children\'s linguistic and intellectual development (Oral presentation)
*María Elena Navarro-Calvillo, Jacqueline Calderón, Raúl Morales
Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México
Domain-specific versus domain-general changes in infant speech processing, face processing and their interpretation of goal-directed human action (Oral presentation)
*Mayada Elsabbagh (1), Edith Rosset (2), Annette Hohenberger (3), Gisa Aschersleben (3), Scania de Schonen (2), Annette Karmiloff-Smith (1)
(1) Neurocognitive Development Unit, Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom; (2) Neurocognitive Development Group, CNRS, Paris, France; (3) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences, Munich, Germany
What do Song Reproductions Tell us About the Relationship Between Language and Music in Development? (Oral presentation)
*Christliebe El Mogharbel, Grit Sommer, Werner Deutsch
Institute of Psychology, Technical University of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
XV.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 54
CHAIR Hesketh, Anne (United Kingdom)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Young blind children in activities with joint attention (Oral presentation)
*Stephen von Tetzchner, Tone Sedberg
Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
Interactions between deaf children and their teacher: moving on from single words (Oral presentation)
*Merle Mahon
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Friday, July 29, 2005
09.00-10.30 h
XVI.1 Plenary Room:
Oral presentation: Plenary Speech 5
CHAIR Tracy, Rosemary (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Implications of grammaticalization for a theory of language (Oral presentation)
Joan L. Bybee
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
11.00-13.00 h
XVII.1 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 55
CHAIR Voeykova, Maria D. (Russia)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The functions of code-switching for very young Korean-American bilingual children (Oral presentation)
*Piljoo Paulin Kang, Amy Kyratzis
University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, United States of America
Grammar errors in acquiring Russian as the first and rhe second language (Oral presentation)
Stella Ceytlin
State Pedagigical University of Russia, Sanct-Petersburg, Russia
A story of errors: Inflections in the Russian verbal system of Russian-Hebrew sequential bilinguals and Russian monolinguals (Oral presentation)
*Natalia Gagarina (1), *Sharon Armon-Lotem (2), Olga Gupol (2)
(1) Research Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, Germany; (2) Department of English and the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
From detection of speech to words and word inflections: Comparing Finnish-Russian bilinguals with Finnish monolinguals (Oral presentation)
*Maarit Silvén (1), Anna Kouvo (2), Maija Haapakoski (1), Virpi Lähteenmäki (2), Patricia Kuhl (3)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; (2) Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; (3) Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
XVII.2 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 56
CHAIR Andonova, Elena (Bulgaria)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS First Language Acquisition of Verbal and Adjectival Inflection in Dutch (Oral presentation)
Daniela Polisenska
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eliciting frequent and infrequent verb forms in Spanish: An experimental study of the acquisition of inflectional morphology in Spanish. (Oral presentation)
Marta Casla (1), *Javier Aguado-Orea (2)
(1) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; (2) Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
The representation of past tense forms in children\'s mental grammars (Oral presentation)
*Matthew Saxton (1), Amy Khasky (2)
(1) Institute of Education, University of London, London, U.K.; (2) Royal Holloway University of London, London, U.K.
A study in Danish children on the association among verbs with respect to acquiring correct past tense forms (Oral presentation)
*Werner Vach (1,2), Dorthe Bleses (1)
(1) Center for Language Acquisition, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; (2) Department of Statistics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
XVII.3 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 57
CHAIR Richter, Antje (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Cohesion in Sherpa children’s narratives (Oral presentation)
Carolyn Rickard (1), *Barbara F. Kelly (2)
(1) University of Colorado, Boulder, USA; (2) Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Book Reading Practices in Three Cultures: Japan, Taiwan, and the US (Oral presentation)
*Eiko Kato-Otani (1), Chien-ju Chang (2)
(1) Osaka Jogakuin College, Osaka, Japan; (2) National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Development of narrative ability: parallels between language content and cognitive modalities (Oral presentation)
*Melita Kovacevic, Jelena Kuvac, Nevena Padovan
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Narratives,literacy and childhood culture:Children\'s conversational narratives as discursive and cultural resources for development (Oral presentation)
Shoshana Blum-Kulka, *Talia Habib, Deborah Huck-Taglicht, Zohar Kampf
Department of Communication, Hebrew University, Israel
XVII.4 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 58
CHAIR Kühnast, Milena (Bulgaria)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Acquisition of Expletive vs. Proform It (Oral presentation)
*Susannah Kirby, Misha Becker
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC, United States of America
Emphatic Pronominal Subjects in Child English (Oral presentation)
Susan M. Powers
Lyrix, Inc., Tewksbury MA, USA
On the use of resumptive pronouns in child and adult Hebrew (Oral presentation)
Inbal Arnon
Linguistics Department, Stanford University, California, USA
Children’s comprehension and production of anaphoric pronouns. (Oral presentation)
Danielle Matthews
University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
XVII.5 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 59
CHAIR Böhning, Marita (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Probing the nature of word-learning difficulties in children with vocabulary deficits (Oral presentation)
Marysia Nash (1), *Morag Donaldson (2)
(1) Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK; (2) University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Fast mapping and lexical learning: expressive and receptive profiles of children with language disorder and their typically developing peers. (Oral presentation)
*Natalie Munro, Kerrie Lee
The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Taxonomic bias and categorization in children with specific language impairment (SLI) (Oral presentation)
Sabine Weinert
Lehrstuhl Psychologie I, Universität Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany
Early word-object associations and language skills in children at-risk for language delay (Oral presentation)
*Nenagh Kemp (1), Janet Werker (1), Barbara Bernhardt (2), Carolyn Johnson (2), Linda Siegel (3)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada; (2) School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, UBC, Vancouver, Canada; (3) Department of Educational Psychology, UBC, Vancouver, Canada
XVII.6 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 60
CHAIR Bartsch, Susanna (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS One story, two stories: Preserving the meaning through lexical and syntactic constituents in narratives of bilingual children. (Oral presentation)
*Elena Zaretsky
Department of Communication Disorders, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Negotiating referential choices in a narrative context: English-Italian bilingual children and monolingual controls (Oral presentation)
Ludovica Serratrice
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Early Bilingual Literacy Development: A case study (Oral presentation)
*Silvia Romero-Contreras (1), Cynthia Klingler (2)
(1) Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, USA and Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México; (2) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
XVII.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 61
CHAIR Uziel-Karl, Sigal (Israel)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Electrophysiology reveals oversized semantic categories in 16-month-old infants (Oral presentation)
*Guillaume Thierry (1), Jarrad Lum (2), Marilyn Vihman (1), Ginny Gathercole (1)
(1) University of Wales, Bangor, UK; (2) University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
The Truth about Cats and Dogs: Animal Terms in Parent-Child Discourse (Oral presentation)
*Jean Berko Gleason (1), Brenda Phillips (1), Richard Ely (1), Elena Zaretsky (2)
(1) Boston University, Boston, USA; (2) University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
The creation of lexical domains can precede the development of specific word-specific concept relations (Oral presentation)
Marilyn Shatz
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Class and categories; what role does socioeconomic status play in children\'s lexical and conceptual development? (Oral presentation)
Jennifer Bloomquist
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg PA, USA
XVII.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 62
CHAIR Rojas Nieto, Cecilia (Mexico)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Child Acquisition of Quechua Relative Clauses (Oral presentation)
Ellen H. Courtney
The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA
The Complementizer Phrase in child Romanian (Oral presentation)
*Larisa Avram (1), Martine Coene (2)
(1) University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; (2) University of Antwerp-Fund for Scientific Research, Antwerp
The development of complement clauses in Greek (Oral presentation)
Demetra Katis, Kiki Nikiforidou
University of Athens,Athens, Greece
Children\'s Interpretations of Floating Quantifiers in Japanese (Oral presentation)
*Takaaki Suzuki (1), *Naoko Yoshinaga (2)
(1) Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan; (2) Hirosaki Gakuin University, Aomori, Japan
XVII.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 63
CHAIR Toepel, Ulrike (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Learning to express motion events in an Equipollently-framed language: A study of Mandarin Chinese children’s \"Frog Stories\" (Oral presentation)
*Jiansheng Guo (1), *Liang Chen (2)
(1) California State University, Hayward, USA; (2) University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Are children’s first event expressions telic? Evidence from child German (Oral presentation)
Petra Schulz
University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany
Egocentric strategy in acquisition of locatives (Oral presentation)
*Maria Elivanova, Valeria Elivanova
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, S.-Petersburg, Russia
The Acquisition of Basic Locative Constructions in Upper Necaxa Totonac: A comparison of acquisition stages to typological frequency (Oral presentation)
*Ryan Klint
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
XVII.10 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 64
CHAIR Berger-Morales, Julia (USA)
Elva Alvarez
Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Partial Agreement in Child Grammar: Evidence from Spanish and Catalan (Oral presentation)
Aurora Bel (1), Elisa Rosado (2)
(1) Universitat Pompeu Fabra; (2) Universitat de Barcelona
Eliciting Language Production Data from Young Children (Oral presentation)
*Sonja Eisenbeiss (1), Ayumi Matsuo (2)
(1) University of Essex, Colchester, UK; (2) University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Priming in Language Acquisition (Oral presentation)
Sabine Stoll
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
14.30-16.00 h
XVIII.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 37
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Early Precursors of Delayed Language Development: Results from a Longitudinal Study from Age Zero to age Four with German Learning Children (Symposia)
*Jürgen Weissenborn (1), Kathleen Wermke (2), Ute Suhl (3), Angela D. Friederici (3), Zvi Penner (4), Manfred Gross (5), Christian Krügel (5), Christiane Weber (3), Anja Hahne (3), Manuela Friedrich (3), Sabina Pauen (6)
(1) Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; (2) University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany; (3) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; (4) University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; (5) Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany; (6) University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
XVIII.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 38
PANELISTS AND PAPERS From Non-Linguistic to Linguistic Representations: Children’s Encoding of Motion at the Perceptual, Gestural and the Linguistic Levels (Symposia)
*Seyda Özçaliskan (1), Asli Özyürek (2)+(3), Rachel Pulverman (4)+(5), Roberta Michnick-Golinkoff (4), Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (6), Susan Goldin-Meadow (1), Özge Gürcanli (7), Tilbe Göksun (8), Shanley Allen (9), Sotaro Kita (10), Amanda Brown (9)+(3), Reyhan Furman (8), Tomoko Ishizuka (11), Maya Hickmann (12), Henriëtte Hendriks (13), Dan I. Slobin (14)
(1) University of Chicago, Chicago, USA; (2) F. C. Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging; (3) Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Netherlands; (4) University of Delaware, Delaware, USA, (5) Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico; (6) Temple University, Philadelphia, USA; (7) Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey; (8) Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey; (9) Boston University, Boston, USA; (10) University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; (11) University of California, Los Angeles, USA; (12) Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique Université René Descartes, Paris, France; (13) University of Cambridge, RCEAL, UK; (14) University of California, Berkeley, USA
XVIII.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 39
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Frequency Effects in Article Acquisition (Symposia)
*Insa Gülzow (1), *Ute Bohnacker (2), *Tanja Kupisch (3), *Sergey Avrutin (4), Joke de Lange (4), Maria Teresa Guasti (5)
(1) Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany; (2) Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden; (3) University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; (4) University Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; (5) Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italia
XVIII.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 40
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Acquisition of Morphology in Palestinian Arabic: Universal, Particular and Contextual Factors (Symposia)
*Dorit Ravid , *Rola Farah , *Hunaida Abu-Nofal , *Sireen Saed Tarbani, *Rawan Khoury Abu Salem, *Afnan Farah Sima’an, *Omaimah Azem Gazalin
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
XVIII.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 41
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Complexity in Phonological Development: Contributions from Brazilian and European Portuguese (Symposia)
Regina Ritter Lamprecht (1), M. João Freitas (2), Susana Correia (3), Carmen Lucia Barreto Matzenauer (4), Giovana Ferreira Gonçalves Bonilha (1,5), Ana Ruth Miranda (6)
(1) Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, (2) Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, (3) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, (4) Universidade Catolica de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil, (5) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, (6) Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil
XVIII.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 42
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Multimodal Motherese: The Symbiosis between Speech and Action Facilitates Cognitive Development (Symposia)
*Katharina J. Rohlfing (1), Amy E. Booth (2), Karla K. McGregor (3), *Lakshmi J. Gogate (4), Christopher G. Prince (5), *Rebecca J. Brand (6), Dare A. Baldwin (7), Patricia Zukow-Goldring (8), Nancy Rader (9)
(1) Bielefeld University; (2) Northwestern University; (3) The University of Iowa; (4) SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn; (5) University of Minnesota Duluth; (6) Vilanova University; (7) University of Oregon; (8) University of Southern California; (9) Ithaca College
XVIII.7 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 43
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Perception, Comprehension and Production in Typical and Atypical Development: Theoretical and Empirical Issues (Symposia)
Isabelle Barriere (1,2,3), Thierry Nazzi (4), *Melanie Soderstrom (5), Katherine White (5), Erin Conwell (5), James Morgan (5), *Letitia Naigles (6), Lauren Swensen (6), Elizabeth Kelly (6), Deborah Frein (6), *Bencie Woll (7), Jechil Siereratzki (8), Geraldine Legendre (9), Gary Morgan (7)
(1) Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA; (2) Touro College, New York, USA; (3) University of Hertfordshire, UK; (4) Laboratoire Cognition & Developpement, CNRS, Paris, France; (5) Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences, Brown University, Providence, USA; (6) Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storr, USA; (7) Department of Language and Communication science, City University, London, UK; (8) Department of Human communication science, University College London, London, UK; (9) Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
XVIII.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 65
CHAIR Schmiedtova, Barbara (The Netherlands)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Gesturing bilingually: French-English bilingual children’s gestures (Oral presentation)
*Elena Nicoladis, Simone Pika, Paula Marentette
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Performance by Monolingual and Bilingual Children with and without SLI on Nonlinguistic Visual Processing Tasks (Oral presentation)
*Jennifer Windsor, Kathryn Kohnert
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Syllabic planification and phonological working memory disorder : the case of Consonantless-SLI children (Oral presentation)
*Sophie Wauquier-Gravelines (1), Marie-Thérèse Le Normand (2), Annie Rialland (3)
(1) Département de Sciences du langage, LLING, Université de Nantes, France; (2) INSERM et service de neuropédiatrie et maladies métaboliques, Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France (3) Laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie, CNRS-Université de Paris III, France
16.30-18.00 h
XIX.1 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 44
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Attending to Determiners in Fluent Speech: Cross-Linguistic Evidence from Early Speech Perception and On-Line Sentence Comprehension (Symposia)
*Renate Zangl (1), *Barbara Hoehle (2), *Rushen Shi (3), *Anne Fernald (1), *Elizabeth K. Johnson (4), *Monique Diks (4)
(1) Stanford University, United States; (2) University of Potsdam, Germany; (3) Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada; (4) Max Planck-Institute, Nijmegen, Netherlands
XIX.2 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 45
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Aspects of Lexical Development in Brazilian Portuguese (Symposia)
Elizabeth Reis Teixeira (1), Cláudia Tereza Sobrinho da Silva (2), Carla Marcondes Cesar Affonso Padovani (3), Maria Cecília Bevilaqua (4), Aline Pimentel (5), Mônica Valéria do Patrocínio Dias (6)
(1) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil; (2) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil; (3) Universidade Estadual da Bahia e UNIME; (4) Universidade de São Paulo, Baurú; (5) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil; (6) Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil
XIX.3 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 46
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Crosslinguistic Acquisition of Telicity (Symposia)
Angeliek van Hout (1), Petra Schulz (2), Ramona Wenzel (3), Diane Ogiela (4), Michael Casby (4), Cristina Schmitt (4), Miren Hodgson (5), Aviya Hacohen (6), Jeannette Schaeffer (6)
(1) University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands; (2) University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany; (3) University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; (4) Michigan State University, USA; (5) University of Massachusetts, USA; (6) Ben Gurion University of the Negev
XIX.4 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 47
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Input as an Invitation to Language (Symposia)
Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole (1), Natalia Gagarina (2), *Cecilia Rojas Nieto (3), *Alison Henry (4), *Erika Hoff (5) SPEAKERS: *Cecilia Rojas Nieto (3), *Alison Henry (4), *Natalia Gagarina (2), *Erika Hoff (5), *Virginia C. Mueller Gathercole (1)
(1) University of Wales, Bangor, Wales; (2) Center for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, Germany; (3) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, México; (4) University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland; (5) Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
XIX.5 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 48
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Gestures, Words and Signs in Hearing and Deaf Children´s Early Language Development (Symposia)
*Gunilla Preisler (1), Olga Capirci (2), *Eva Berglund (3), M. Cristina Caselli (2), Richard Fannon (3), *Margareta Ahlström (4), Emelie Cramér-Wolrath (4), Virginia Volterra (2)
(1) Department of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden; (2) Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche (CNR), Rome, Italy; (3) Department of Psychology, Uppsala, Sweden; (4) Stockholm Institute of Education, Department of Human Development, Learning and Special Education, Stockholm, Sweden
XIX.6 Symposia Room:
Symposia: Symposium 49
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Variations in Acquiring Literacy across Genres: A Multi-Linguistic Perspective (Symposia)
*Ronit Levie (1), Dorit Ravid (1), Liliana Tolchinsky (2), *Harriet Jisa (3), *Hrafnhildur Ragnarsdóttir (4), Sven Stromqvist (5), *Janet G. van Hell (6), *Joan Stiles (7), Judy Reilly (8,9), Judi Fenson (7), Ruth Nass (10), Ruth Berman (1)
(1) Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; (2) University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (3) Université Lyon2, Lyon, France; (4) Iceland University of Education, Reykjavík, Iceland; (5) University of Lund, Lund, Sweden; (6) Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands; (7) University of California, San Diego, San Diego, USA; (8) San Diego State University, San Diego, USA; (9) Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France; (10) New York University Medical Center, New York, USA
XIX.7 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 68
CHAIR Smoczynska, Magdalena (Poland)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Precursors of language as predictors: Development and evaluation of a set of language-independent assessments for 2-3 year olds (Oral presentation)
Penny Roy (1), Shula Chiat (2)
(1) City University, London, United Kingdom; (2) University College London, London, United Kingdom
Cross-linguistic and Cross-Cultural Issues in the Development of Tests of Sign Language: The Case of The Test of American Sign Language (TASL) and Test de Langue des Signes Francaise (TELSF) (Oral presentation)
*Philip Prinz (1), Nathalie Niederberger (2), John Gargani (3), Wolfgang Mann (3)
(1) San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA; (2) University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; (3) University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
Outcome at Age 17 of Late-Talking Toddlers (Oral presentation)
Leslie Rescorla
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA, USA
XIX.8 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 69
CHAIR Kupisch, Tanja (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS \"The boy is \'low\'\": Effects of Early English Education on Semantic Development of Taiwanese Mandarin-English Bilingual Children (Oral presentation)
*Lu-Chun Lin, Cynthia J. Johnson
Dept. of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, USA
Bilinguals = 2 monolinguals in 1? (Oral presentation)
Annabelle David
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Evidence of Preferred Argument Structure in English-Japanese Bilingual Acquisition (Oral presentation)
*Yuriko Oshima-Takane (1), Fred Genesee (1), Sonia Guerriero (1), Makiko Hirakawa (2)
(1) McGill University, Montreal, Canada; (2) Tokyo International University, Japan
XIX.9 Paper Sessions Room:
Oral presentation: Paper Session 70
CHAIR Bartsch, Susanna (Germany)
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The acquisition of the when-clause in a Swedish boy (Oral presentation)
Lisa Christensen
Department of Scandinavian Languages, Lund University, Sweden
Interpreting Idioms: Cognitive and Sociocultural Factors (Oral presentation)
*Ellen H. Courtney, *Ailbhe Cormack Aboud
The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA
The effect of syntactic structure and familiarity in children\\\'s interpretation of metaphor (Oral presentation)
*Patricia Pineda (1), Liliana Tolchinsky (2)
(1) University of Barcelona, Spain, Member of the language repertory research group GRERLI, University of Barcelona, Spain, Member of research group Language and Narrative, Valle University, Cali, Colombia; (2)University of Barcelona, language repertory research group GRERLI, University of Barcelona
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
13.00-14.30 h
XX.1 Poster Session 1 Room:
Poster: Poster Session 1
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The role of grammatical gender in the acquisition of noun inflection in Polish (Poster)
Grzegorz Krajewski
School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
The Development of Morpho-Syntactic Flexibility in the School Years (Poster)
*Dafna Kaplan
Department of Communication Disorders and School of Education, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
The contribution of intentional cues to toddlers\' acquisition of morphological rules (Poster)
*Gil Diesendruck, Smadar Patael
Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Acquisition of case and number in Estonian: the role of input frequency, morphological and morphosyntactical preferences (Poster)
Reili Argus
Tallinn Pedagogical University
Norm finding of diadochokinetic syllable rate in normal 5-7 years old children. (Poster)
*Fateme Derakhshande (1), Fateme Cheraghchi (2), Azade Hasanvand (2), Atefe Moazeni (2)
(1) Academic member of Isfahan university of medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran; (2) Speech therapist, Isfahan, Iran
Dutch children’s acquisition of morpho-phonological alternations in plural formation (Poster)
Tania Zamuner (1), *Annemarie Kerkhoff (2), Paula Fikkert (1), Ellen Westrek (1)
(1) University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; (2) Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Reading and Discrimination Abilities of Bilingual Spanish/English-Speaking Children (Poster)
Sandra Levey
Lehman College of the City University of New York, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, New York, USA
Linguistic Behaviors of Ukrainian-English Bilingual School Children (Poster)
Roma Chumak-Horbatsch
School of Early Childhood Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
In favor of the no transfer/full access hypothesis in very early child second language acquisition (Poster)
*Efrat Harel, Sharon Armon-Lotem
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
Relevance of a writing system for a sign language? A question of form and context (Poster)
*Louis-Félix Bergeron, Anne-Marie Parisot
UQÀM, Montréal, Canada
The acquisition of the English simple past by French second language learners in a school academic setting : form versus usage (Poster)
*Coralie Payre-Ficout, Jean-Pierre Chevrot
LIDILEM, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, France
Cross-linguistic transfer of cues in Spanish-English bilingual children with different levels of language proficiency (Poster)
*Ellen Stubbe Kester, Elizabeth D. Peña
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,USA
Speech Stream perception by Adult L2 Learners of English (Poster)
*Susanne M. E. Sullivan
Adult ESOL Papanui High School, Christchurch, New Zealand
The development of lexical diversity in the expression of connectivity in Spanish (Poster)
*Melina Aparici (1), Elisa Rosado (2)
(1) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (2) Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
The influence of Child Directed Speech in the acquisition of Wh-questions in Early Spanish: a case study. (Poster)
*Mary R. Espinosa Ochoa
University of the Caribbean, Cancun, Mexico
What is his is really yours! : A French-speaking child’s acquisition of possessives (Poster)
Gabriela Constantinescu, *Elena Nicoladis
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The Contribution of Metalinguistic and Reading Skills on Third-Grade Children\'s Stress Production in English Derived Words (Poster)
*L. Jarmulowicz, *V. L. Taran, S. E. Hay, K. C. Fulmer
The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
Eye movements in the integration of text and pictorial information: is there a difference between static vs. dynamic images? A study on subjects in developmental age. (Poster)
*Paola Bonifacci, Francesca Chitti, Silvana Contento, Fabiana Grimandi
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy
Interpretation of Bare Noun Phrases in child Russian and English (Poster)
*Irina Agafonova, Cristina Schmitt, Alan Munn
Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
Phonological awareness and the learning process of reading (Poster)
*José Marcelino Poersch (1), Carla Aparecida Cielo (2)
(1) Pontifical Catholic University of RS-BRAZIL Porto Alegre-Brazil; (2)Federal University of Santa Maria Santa Maria-Brazil
Seond Language Learning in Early Childhood Education Classroom Settings (Poster)
*Bizunesh Wubie
Marshall University Graduate College, Graduate School of Education and Professional Development, South Charleston, USA
Bilingualism and Phonological Knowledge (Poster)
*Clara Martinot, Angélique Laurent
Cognition, Communication et Développement Laboratory, Toulouse-Le Mirail University, Toulouse, France
Balanced and language-dominant bilinguals\' perception of a consonant contrast in infancy (Poster)
Christopher Fennell
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Phonological Analysis of Real- and Non-word Repetition in Two-Year-Old Children (Poster)
*Cynthia Core, Erika Hoff
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
VOT Development in a Bilingual Spanish-English Child (Poster)
*Jean Andruski, Eugenia Casielles, Sahyang Kim, Geoffrey Nathan, Richard Work
Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
Identification of Phonemic Awareness Skills in the L1 of Spanish-Speaking Children with Limited English Proficiency (Poster)
*Dava Waltzman (1), Janet Roalino (2), Wanda Cruz (3)
(1) Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York, United States of America; (2) New York Eye and Ear Hospital, New York, United States of America; (3) New York Department of Education, New York, United States of America
Which phonological cues might motivate early acquisition in Turkish? An analysis of 9-24 months of normally developing children (Poster)
*Seyhun Topbas (1), Ken Bleile (2)
(1) Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey; (2) North Iowa University, Cedar Rapids, USA
Sentence Accent and Word Learning (Poster)
*Susanne Grassmann
Max-Planck-Institute for evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Acquisition of Contrastive Stress in German Children (Poster)
*Katrin Schneider, Britta Lintfert
Institute of Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Getting the balance between stress and weight (Poster)
Diana Apoussidou
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Development of /θ/ and /δ/ in the speech of Icelandic children (Poster)
*Thora Masdottir, Susan Edwards
University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
The developmental of phonological contrasts in English-speaking children: evidence for universal mechanisms (Poster)
*Stephanie Stokes (1), Thomas Klee (2), Cecyle Perry-Carson (3), David Carson (3)
(1) University of Reading, United Kingdom; (2) University of Newcastle, UK; (3) University of Central Florida, USA
A Different Model for Acquisition of Phonology (Poster)
*Reza M. Sahraee
Faculty of Persian literature & foreign languages, Tehran, Iran
Emergence and development of Speech Sounds in Child language:Input-output correlation & the role 0f Physiological factors. (Poster)
*Reza M. Sahraee
Faculty of Persian literature & foreign languages, Teheran, Iran
Is nonword repetition a developmentally sensitive measure of phonological working memory for Cantonese-speaking preschool children? (Poster)
*Anita M.-Y. Wong (1), Stephanie F. Stokes (2), Paul Fletcher (3)
(1) Univerity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong-SAR, China; (2) University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; (3) University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Nonlinear analyses of the phonological systems of German-speaking children with and without phonological impairment. (Poster)
*Angela Ullrich (1), Barbara Bernhardt (2)
(1) University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; (2) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Infant discrimination of similar sounds in words: The more difficult to articulate, the more difficult to perceive? (Poster)
*Sachiyo Kajikawa (1), Kumiko Sato (1), Kiyoe Kanechiku (1), Mutsumi Imai (2), Etsuko Haryu (3)
(1) Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan; (2) Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan; (3) University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Using Voice Onset Time for Estimating production maturity /sP/ clusters (Poster)
*Fredrik Karlsson (1), Peter E. Czigler(2), Kirk P. H. Sullivan (1)
(1) Department of Philosophy and Linguistics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; (2) Department of Carin Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
The acquisition of phonetic features of handshapes at the age of two to seven (Poster)
Ritva Takkinen
University of Jyväskylä, Department of languages, Jyväskylä, Finland
Relative Variations of Cluster Reduction Processes in the Later Stages of Phonological Development (Poster)
*Verónica Martínez, Manuela Miranda, Eliseo Diez-Itza
University of Oviedo, Spain
Phonological changes in syllable duration and filler syllables in early child language. (Poster)
*Kimberly Winchester, Katsura Aoyama
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, USA
Prosodic characteristics of infants’ speech during the single-word period (Poster)
*Katsura Aoyama (2), Barbara L. Davis (1)
(1) Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, USA; (2) The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX, USA
Comparing normal and autistic Persian children's CCC scores (Poster)
Yalda Kazemi
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
The acquisition of quantification and the weak-strong distinction (Poster)
*Erik-Jan Smits, Bart Hollebrandse
University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Clitic placement in infinitival clauses in bilingual Spanish-English speaking children (Poster)
*Vera Gutiérrez-Clellen, Gabriela Simon-Cereijido
San Diego State University, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA
Subject realization in two Spanish/English bilingual children (Poster)
*Eugenia Casielles, Jean Andruski, Sahyang Kim, Geoffrey Nathan, Richard Work
Wayne State University, Detroit, United States of America
\"I have tagit med the Eimer with the Kuchen.\" Code-switching evidence for a single syntactic system among child bilinguals. (Poster)
Kristy Beers Fägersten
4.3 Anglistik, Universität des Saarlandes Saarbrücken, Germany
The Occurrence of Prepositional Phrases in the Speech of Children with Mental Retardation (Poster)
*Katarzyna Kaczorowska-Bray (1), Ewa Czaplewska (2)
University of Gdańsk Department of Speech Pathology, Gdańsk, Poland
The Development of Relative Clauses in German and English (Poster)
*Silke Brandt (1), Holger Diessel (2)
(1) Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany; (2) University of Jena, Jena, Germany
Overt Subjects Distribution in Italian Children Sentences (Poster)
*Paolo Lorusso (1), Claudia Caprin (2), Maria Teresa Guasti (2)
(1) Universitata Autònoma de Barcelona Department de Filologia Catalana Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Barcelona, Spain; (2) Department of Psychology- University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Three year old children are sensitive to case marking in German (Poster)
*Amelie A. Mahlstedt, Ina Bornkessel, Angela D. Friederici
Max Planck Institute of Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Acquisition of WH-Questions in Hebrew: The Role of Input (Poster)
Sigal Uziel-Karl
Kibbutzim College of Education, Reut, Israel
Local steps in the acquisition of subject-verb agreement (Poster)
Jacqueline van Kampen
UiL OTS, Utrecht, Netherlands
Oblique Noun Phrases in early child English: Preposition omission or argument structure miscategorization? (Poster)
Anna Babarczy
Dept of Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
The Acquisition of Syntactic Awareness (Poster)
Helen Cairns (1), *Dava Waltzman (2), Gloria Schlisselberg (3)
(1) Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, United States of America; (2) Hunter College of the City University of New York, New York, United States of America; (3) Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, United States of America
Argument omission in normal and impaired acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese (Poster)
*Leticia Correa, Marina Augusto, Olívia Haeusler
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Acquisition of Binding Principles in L1 (Poster)
Hamideh Marefat
University of Tehran, Teheran, Iran
Default my versus default I in the Possessor construction (Poster)
*Jacqueline van Kampen, Arjen Zondervan
UiL OTS, Utrecht, Netherlands
Wh-questions and relative clauses in Greek children with SLI: A follow-up study (Poster)
*Stavroula Stavrakaki (1), Eleni Nikolaki (2), Katerina Syretidou (2), Lambrini Yfanti (2)
(1) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Greece; (2) Technological Educational Institute of Epirus Ioannina Greece
The processing of object relative clauses in young Hebrew speakers (Poster)
Inbal Arnon
Linguistics Department, Stanford University, USA
Cluster reductions in Norwegian SLI children: An OT approach (Poster)
Kirsten Meyer Bjerkan
Bredtvet Resource Centre, Oslo, Norway
Processing speed and language impairment over time (Poster)
*Carol A. Miller (1), Laurence B. Leonard (2)
(1) The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA; (2) Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Phonological awareness and phonological memory in children with phonological disorders (Poster)
Helena Bolli Mota, Marcia Keske-Soares, Michele Gindri Vieira
Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
The traditional treatment approach with motor emphasis is effective for children with a phonetic articulation disorder (Poster)
Thomas Günther
Zuyd University - Faculty of Speech and Language Pathology; Heerlen; Netherlands
SLI phenomenon or delayed speech? A case study of Polish-speaking girl. (Poster)
Dorota Kiebzak-Mandera
Jagellonian University, Dept. of General Linguistics, Cracow, Poland
Generalization in subjects with different severity levels of phonological disorders treated by the Modified Maximal Oppositions Model (Poster)
Helena Bolli Mota, Marcia Keske-Soares, Tatiana Bagetti
Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Helena Bolli Mota, Marcia Keske-Soares, Luciana Grolli Ardenghi
Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Acquisition of phoneme categories : a computational study. (Poster)
*Rozenn Le Calvez (1), Emmanuel Dupoux (1), Jean-Pierre Nadal (2), Sharon Peperkamp (1)(3)
(1) Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, Paris, France; (2) Laboratoire de Physique Statistique ENS, Paris, France; (3) Université de Paris 8, Paris, France
The effect of orthographic transparency on the development of phonological awareness in Greek deaf children (Poster)
*Evi Kyritsi (1), Deborah James (2), Susan Edwards (1)
(1) The University of Reading, Reading, UK; (2) The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
13.00-14.30 h
XXI.1 Poster Session 2 Room:
Poster: Poster Session 2
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Symbolic Development Among Monolingual and Bilingual Toddlers (Poster)
*Marc H. Bornstein, Linda R. Cote
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, USA
Variation in second language acquisition of Turkish children in Germany (Poster)
*Solveig Kroffke
Research Center "Multilingualism", Hamburg, Germany
Language separation and mixed multilingual input (Poster)
Carmel O\'Shannessy
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Bilingualism and tense-aspect: Narrative structures of children acquiring German and Russian (Poster)
Tanja Anstatt
Slavisches Seminar, Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany
Language acquisition in a multilingual society: a pilot study of two siblings from the Veneto Region in Italy. (Poster)
*Anna Ghimenton, Jean-Pierre Chevrot
LIDILEM, University Stendhal of Grenoble 3, France
Mutual Exclusivity and Social Cues in Infants’ Ability to Learn Two Labels for a Single Object (Poster)
*Jui Bhagwat (1), Marisol de Jesus (2), Marianella Casasola (1)
(1) Cornell University, Ithaca, USA; (2) University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, US Territory
Interculturalism in Bilingual Lexical Development (Poster)
*Gordana Dobravac, Gordana Hrzica, Maja Mustapic, Nevena Padovan
University of Zagreb, Laboratory for Psycholinguistic Research, Zagreb, Croatia
Temporal structure in texts written by Dutch deaf children with various levels of proficiency in sign language: a developmental perspective. (Poster)
*Liesbeth M. van Beijsterveldt, Janet G. van Hell
Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dialogue and the construction of epistemic verbs (Poster)
Rodrigo Romero
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA
Comprehension of sequential and simultaneous events: order-of-mention and chronological time in the acquisition of temporal structures (Poster)
*Pirita Pyykkönen, Juhani Järvikivi
Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Orienting to third-party conversations. (Poster)
*Carmen Martínez-Sussmann (1), Nameera Akhtar (1), Lori Markson (2), Gil Diesendruck (3)
(1) University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, United States; (2) University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, United States; (3) Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
The Role of Language in the Development of Iconic Representation (Poster)
*Tammy D. Tolar, Amy R. Lederberg, Sonali Gokhale
Georgia State University, Atlanta, United States of America
Primary Metaphors on Language Acquisiton - a crosslinguistic study (Poster)
Maity Siqueira
FACCAT, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Pre-School Children`s Understanding of Instructions (Poster)
*Ewa Czaplewska, Katarzyna Kaczorowska-Bray
University of Gdańsk Department of Speech Pathology, Gdańsk, Poland
Improving Discourse Development in Down Syndrome (Poster)
*Manuela Miranda, Verónica Martínez, Jonathan Huelmo, Elena Álvarez, Gema Fernández, Eliseo Diez-Itza
University of Oviedo, Spain
Spatial Language in Narratives in German Williams Syndrome (Poster)
Marion Krause
Institut für Sprache und Information, Dept. Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany
Development of Social Communication in a preverbal child with Williams syndrome (Poster)
*Vesna Stojanovik (1), *Deborah James (2)
(1) University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; (2) University of Newcastle, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Parental reports on the web - methods and considerations (Poster)
*Eva Berglund, Richard Fannon
Department of Psychology, Uppsala, Sweden
The role of linguistic fluency, age of L2 acquisition and experience with new cultural-linguistic environment in bilinguals’ divergent thinking (Poster)
Anatoliy Kharkhurin
City University of New York, New York, USA
Cross-cultural Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Children and Adults from the Perspective of Cognitive and Developmental Psychology (Poster)
*Chongying Wang, Ann Dowker
University of Oxford, Oxford, England
Variability and Stability in Early Japanese Phonology (Poster)
*Haruko Miyakoda
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
The Associations among Maternal Education, Language “teaching practices\", and Children’s Language Development in China (Poster)
Xingming Jin (1), Yiwen Zhang (1),*Erika Hoff (2), Chunyan Tian (2)
(1) Shanghai Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai, China; (2) Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA
The CDI Spanish Short Form: Profiling Language Development in Day Care Centers in Mexico (Poster)
*Donna Jackson-Maldonado, Jessica Martín del Campo
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, México
Expository Discourse Development in American and New Zealand Youth: A Cross-Cultural Comparison (Poster)
*Marilyn A. Nippold (1), Catherine Moran (2), Tracy C. Mansfield (1), Gail Gillon (2)
(1) University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA; (2) University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Links Between Language Development and Narrative Structuring Among Preschool-Aged Children (Poster)
*Hélène Makdissi (1), Andrée Boisclair (2), Catherine Fortier (1), Claudia Sanchez (1)
(1) Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada; (2) Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Gender Differences in Children’s Use of Discourse Markers: Separate Worlds or Different Contexts? (Poster)
Elena Andrea Escalera
St. Mary\'s College of California Moraga, California, United States of America
Task activity in speech therapy and at home - comparing two learning contexts (Poster)
Tuula Tykkyläinen
Post-doc researcher, University of Helsinki, Dept. of Speech Sciences, Finland
Partial repeats of prior answers: How children construct individual answers to teachers’ questions (Poster)
Piera Margutti
Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio University for Foreigners of Perugia, Dep. Sciences of Language
Considerations with respect to construction and acquisition of word order in sentences exemplified by resultative constructions in German (Poster)
Michael Richter
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur und ihre Didaktik Universität Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany
Language impairment as a result of the parents´discourse (Poster)
*Leda Verdiani-Tfouni, Beatriz Helena M. Ferriolli
University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
Functions of Diminutives in Mother-Child Narrative Construction (Poster)
*Gigliana Melzi (1), *Kendall A. King (2)
(1) New York University, New York, USA; (2) Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Variability in Spectro-Temporal Features: a Developmental Study of Speech in Children (Poster)
*Latika Singh, *Nandini Singh
National Brain Research Centre, Manesar Gurgaon, India
Impact of usage of screen media on the social interaction competence of 4-6 year old children (Poster)
Aradhna Malik
University of Denver, Denver, USA
Perception and acquisition of stylistic variation with 10/11 year-old children : a pilot study (Poster)
*Laurence Buson, Jacqueline Billiez
LIDILEM, Université Stendhal, Grenoble, France
The impact of pretend play in the wake of story reading upon children’s literate discourse (Poster)
*Eva Teubal (1), Ester Vardi (2)
(1) Hebrew University and David Yellin Teachers\' College, Jerusalem, Israel; (2) Kaye College of Education , Beer Sheva, Israel; (3) Tamar Eylon, Kaye College of Education, Beer-Sheva,(4)Zehava Cohen, Kaye College of Education, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Child-Directed Speech Can Be Elicited in the Absence of a Child (Poster)
*Sonja Biersack, Vera Kempe
Department of Psychology, Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom
The development of global coherence in life narratives from childhood to young adulthood (Poster)
Tilmann Habermas
Goethe University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sequential dual language learning in adopted children from China (Poster)
*Karine Gauthier, Fred Genesee
Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Clusters of Parent Interaction Styles During Storybook and Expository Book Sharing with Preschoolers (Poster)
Lisa Hammett
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States of America
Development of Maternal Conversation Repairs (Poster)
*Judith Vander Woude (1), Abigail Bormann (2)
(1) Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; (2) Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Talk-focused talk in maternal speech in early infancy (Poster)
*Magda Rivero, *Ana Teberosky, *Núria Ribera
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Responsiveness in peer interaction. Dialogues between children with SLI and language- and age-matched typically developing peers (Poster)
*Barbro Bruce, Kristina Hansson, Ulrika Nettelbladt
Department of Logopedics, Phoniatrics and Audiology Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Children's Communication Checklist: the Study of Persian Children (Poster)
*Yalda Kazemi(1), Elham Afsharian(2), Bahareh Mirzaei(2), Maryam Baghbani(2), Mitra Sademirinejad(2), Leila Gheleyempour(2), Maryam Najarzadeh(2), Neda Yabandeh(2)
(1)Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran; (2)Speech Therapist, Isfahan, Iran
Development of Referent Introduction in Cantonese Narratives (Poster)
*Carol K.-S. To
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Young Russian children’s use of referring expressions (Poster)
Olga Fedorova
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation
The use of temporal markers in different narrative genres across age (Poster)
*Maria Rosa Sole, *Olga Soler
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Referents\' introduction in narrative discourse by normal and language-impaired children (Poster)
*Juliane Ingold, *Stéphane Jullien, Geneviève de Weck
Institut d\'orthophonie, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Children's referential perspective in story narration from pictures (Poster)
Phyllis Schneider
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Verbal Prompts and Recasts in Language Interactions with Hebrew and Arabic Language-Impaired Children (Poster)
*Rachel Yifat (1), Sara Zadunaisky-Ehrlich (2), Hanan Asaad (1)
(1) University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel; (2) The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Relationship between early narrative skill and later reading and language ability in Mandarin-speaking children: A longitudinal study (Poster)
Chien-ju Chang
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
Combining voices in Venezuelan children\'s narratives (Poster)
Martha Shiro
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Complexities of Children’s Pragmatic Development: A Comparative Study of 3-6 Year Old Chinese Children with Different Mother-Educational Backgrounds (Poster)
Zhou Jing
Faculty of Preschool & Special Educaion, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Standardized and Descriptive Measures of Narrative Production in School-Age Children with ADHD (Poster)
Geralyn R. Timler
University at Buffalo, Buffalo NY, USA
Collaborative constructions in conversation (Poster)
Rosa Graciela Montes
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
Episodic development in preschool children’s play-prompted and direct elicited narratives (Poster)
*Hande Ilgaz, Ayhan Aksu-Koc
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Spontaneous speech and strategic use of monological repetition in parent-toddler conversation (Poster)
*Daniela Marchione (1), Simonetta D\'Amico (2), Antonella Devescovi (1)
(1) University of Rome la sapienza, Rome, Italy; (2) University of Rome la sapienza, Rome + University of Aquila, Aquila, Italy
Measuring referring expressions in a narrative context: a pilot study with Francophone children (Poster)
*Camille Gregoret-Quinn, Phyllis Schneider
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Narrative and other aspects of memory in three groups of preschoolers: perinatal brain lesions/specific language impairment/typically developing children (Poster)
*Jasmina Ivsac, Sanja Simlesa, Marta Ljubesic
Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Speech and Language Pathology Department, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Synaesthetic metaphor in children\'s texts - field: The neurocognitive basis of language learning (Poster)
Bernadeta Niesporek-Szamburska
Silesian University, Katowice, Poland
A cross-linguistic study in Turkish and Dutch: Disentangling Bilingualism in Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (Poster)
*Antje Orgassa, Jan de Jong, Fred Weerman, Anne Baker
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Center of Language and Communication (ACLC), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Development of Comprehension of (In)transitivity in Turkish: an Act-out Study (Poster)
*Tilbe Göksun (1), Aylin Küntay (1), Letitia R. Naigles (2)
(1) Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey: (2) University of Connecticut, CT, USA
Cultural Variations in Mother-Child Talk About Mental States (Poster)
*Robin Thompson, Gigliana Melzi
New York University, New York, United States of America
Language skills, executive function and children theories of mind (Poster)
Maria Kielar-Turska, *Marta Bialecka-Pikul, Anna Skórska
Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Naming emotions in communicative situations: research on verbal expression of emotions (Poster)
Maria Kielar-Turska, *Marta Bialecka-Pikul
Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
A cross-linguistic study of affective speech in bilingual children. (Poster)
*Ioulia Grichkovtsova, Ineke Mennen
QMUC, Edinburgh, Scotland
Mothers' Reading Practices in Japan and the US (Poster)
Eiko Kato-Otani
Osaka Jogakuin College, Osaka, Japan
Ways of being together: German and Japanese preschoolers and their mothers’ conversations on internal states (Poster)
*Jessika Tsubakita, Alkim Ari
Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany
Does the relationship between social interaction and language development vary across different social contexts? (Poster)
*Joan Test
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA
Comparative study of early language development and cognitive development in the U.S. and Japan (Poster)
*Tamiko Ogura (1), Philip S. Dale (2), Yukie Yamashita (3),Toshiki Murase (4), Aki Mahieu (3)
(1) Kobe University, Kobe, Japan; (2) University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, USA; (3) Shimane Prefectural Women’s College, Matsue, Japan; (4) Shimane University, Matsue, Japan
\"It\'s a little freaky\": Boys\' mitigation of verbal expressions of affection and affiliation (Poster)
*Judith Becker Bryant (1),*Ganie DeHart (2)
(1) University of South Florida, Tampa, USA; (2) State University of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, USA
Contingency Relations in Mandarin Parent-child Conversation (Poster)
Chiung-chih Huang
National Chengchi University
Children\'s expression of intentional and epistemic states as reasons of events in narratives: the role of scaffolding in 4-6 to 12 year-olds normally-developing and SLI children. (Poster)
*Edy Veneziano (1), Christian Hudelot (2)
1) LEAPLE et Equipe Développement et Fonctionnement Cognitifs, Université Paris 5-CNRS, Paris, France; (2) LEAPLE, Université Paris 5-CNRS, Paris, France
Language Mixing and Language Maintenance: Story telling strategies among Aboriginal caregivers (Poster)
Gillian Wigglesworth (1), Jane Simpson (2), Karin Moses (1), Felicity Meakins (1), Patrick McConvell (3), *Samantha Disbray (1)
(1) University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; (2) University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; (3)Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, Australia
Developmental pragmatics: crosslinguistic aspects in atypical children (Poster)
Erland Hjelmquist
University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden
Developmental pragmatics: crosslinguistic aspects in atypical children (Poster)
Geneviève de Weck
University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Learning talk in peer interaction (Poster)
*Veslemøy Rydland, Vibeke Grøver Aukrust
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Learning talk in peer interaction. (Poster)
*Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Michael Hamo
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Learning talk in peer interaction (Poster)
*Ageliki Nicolopoulou, Carolyn Brochmeyer
Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, USA
Screening Polish late talkers with Bates-MacArthur inventories at the age of 18, 24 and 30 months (Poster)
*Magdalena Smoczynska, Dorota Kiebzak-Mandera, Agnieszka Kraska, Kinga Kiklica, Karolina Szczurek
Jagellonian University, Kraków, Poland
The MacArthur-Bates CDI in some Romance Languages and Basque: language development and language differences (Poster)
Miguel Perez-Pereira (1), Dona Jackson- Maldonado (2), Maria-José Ezeizabarrena (3), Sophie Kern (4)
(1) Univ. of Santiago de Compostela; (2) Univ. of Querétaro, México; (3) Univ. of the Basque Country; (4) Univ. of Lyon
The Galician Version of the MacArthur-Bates scales. (Poster)
Mariela Resches, Pilar Fernández, Miguel Pérez Pereira
University of Santiago de Compostela
French version of the MacArthur-Bates CDI “words and sentences” (Poster)
Sophie Kern
Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France
Catalan version of the MacArthur-Bates CDI-II “words and sentences” (Poster)
*E. Serrat (1), *R. Olmo (1), I. Badia (2), M. Sanz (2), E. Aguilar (3), M. F. Lara (2), M. Serra (2)
(1) Departament de Psicologia University of Girona, Spain; (2) Departament de Psicologia Bàsica University of Barcelona, Spain; (3) Departament de Psicologia de l’Educació, University of Illes Balears, Spain
Longitudinal Receptive and Expressive Language Profiles of Toddlers with Significant Developmental Disabilities (Poster)
*MaryAnn Romski,*Rose A. Sevcik, Lauren B. Adamson, Melissa Cheslock
Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia, USA
The Basque version of the MacArthur-Bates scales (CDI-II) (Poster)
Maria-José Ezeizabarrena (1), Nekane Arratibel (2), Andoni Barreña (3), Alazne Petuya (4)
(1) Univ. of the Basque Country, (2) University of Mondragon, (3) University of Salamanca,(4) Seaska
Thursday, July 28, 2005
13.00-14.30 h
XXII.1 Poster Session 3 Room:
Poster: Poster Session 3
PANELISTS AND PAPERS The Production of Motion Verbs in School-aged Children and Adults (Poster)
*Annalisa Setti, Nicoletta Caramelli, Donatella D. Maurizzi
Department of Psychology University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Parameterized Linking: explaining cross-linguistic differences in verb learning (Poster)
Janet Randall
Northeastern University
The early Ontogenesis of Bulgarian Verb Morphology (Poster)
*Velka Popova (1), Stefka Popova (2)
(1) Konstantin-Preslavsky-University, Shumen, Bulgaria; (2) Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich, Germany
Morphological development in Brazilian Portuguese verbal acquisition (Poster)
*Leonor Scliar-Cabral (1), Brian MacWhinney (2)
(1) Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)/National Council of Research (CNPq), Florianopolis, Brazil; (2) Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, United States of America
Verb vocabulary and progress on verb morphology: a case study (Poster)
*Mònica Sanz Torrent (1), Elisabet Serrat (2), Raquel Olmo (2)
(1) University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (2) University of Girona, Girona, Spain
Acquiring plural morphology when the input does not reflect the adult grammar (Poster)
*Karen Miller, Cristina Schmitt
Michigan State University, USA
Beyond one child: Syntactic creativity in a dense database (Poster)
Dorothé Salomo
May Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Distributional evididence for category learning (Poster)
Heike Behrens
Rijskuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
A Dense Corpus Study of the Development of the English Transitive Construction (Poster)
Robert Maslen
Max Planck Child Study Centre, Department of Psychology, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
The Acquisition of Wh-pronouns in Norwegian and Swedish (Poster)
Rasmus Steinkrauss
CLCG Faculteit der Letteren Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Language impairment in Swedish bilingual children - epidemiological and linguistic methods (Poster)
*Eva-Kristina Salameh, Ulrika Nettelbladt
Dept. of Logopedics, Phoniatrics and Audiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Comparing child L2 acquisition to unimpaired and impaired language acquisition (Poster)
Vasiliki Chondrogianni
University of Cambridge, Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics
The first words produced by Danish children: An analysis of longitudinal data on early lexical development based on CDI parental reports (Poster)
*Sonja Wehberg (1), Werner Vach (2)
(1) Center for Language Acquisition, University of Southern Denmark Odense, Odense, Denmark; (2) Department of Statistics, University of Southern Denmark Odense, Odense, Denmark
Quantitative and qualitative aspects of early lexicon in preterm very low birth weight infants at two years of age (Poster)
*Suvi Stolt (1), Petriina Takila (2), Liisa Lehtonen (2), Helena Lapinleimu (2), Leena Haataja (2), The Pipari Study Group (2)
(1) The University of Helsinki, Helsinki and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland; (2) Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland
Maternal Labeling and Deaf Children\'s Fastmapping of Novel Words: Is There a Link? (Poster)
*Lama K. Farran (1), Amy R. Lederberg (2), Lori A. Jackson (2)
(1) Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA; (2) Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA
Fast mapping and generalization of spatial reference terms by 4-year-olds (Poster)
*Peggy Li (1), Anna Shusterman (1), Linda Abarbanell (1), Amanda Price (2)
(1) Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; (2) Wellesley College, Wellesley, USA
Paired associated learning among Hong Kong Chinese dyslexic children (Poster)
*Man Ching CHOW, Suk Han HO
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Expressive Vocabulary and Grammar in Toddlers: Association with DNA Markers (Poster)
*Marianna E. Hayiou-Thomas (1), Philip S. Dale (2)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of York, York, UK; (2) Department of Communication Science & Disorders, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA
Language development in twins and singleton children in the second year of life (Poster)
*Emiddia Longobardi, Monia Curi, Antonella Devescovi
Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Univ. La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Bilingualism in richly inflected languages: Benefits and risks (Poster)
*Maarit Silvén (1), *Eugenia Kerek (2)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland; (2) Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Up, up, and away! A growth curve approach to early Hungarian vocabulary development (Poster)
Leslie Nabors Oláh
Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA
Partial Knowledge in Language Acquisition: Explaining Discrepancies Between Comprehension and Production (Poster)
Ulrike Hahn (1), Merce Prat-Sala (2)
(1) School of Psychology Cardiff University, Cardiff UK; (2) Dept. of Psychology, King Alfred\'s College Winchester, Winchester U.K.
Autoregulatory uses of speech in a referential communicative situation (Poster)
Conchi San Martin
The phonological origins of characteristic morpho-syntactic errors in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (Poster)
*Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla (1), *M. Fernanda Lara-Díaz (2)
(1) Universitat Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; (2) Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Working memory and attention: A study in pre-school children with normal and impaired language development (Poster)
Markus Janczyk, *Hermann Schöler, Joachim Grabowski
Pädagogische Hochschule, Heidelberg, Germany
Linguistic characters and genetic history of toddlers with late onset of expressive language (Poster)
*Kakia Petinou (1,2), Violetta Anastasiadou (2)
(1) Cyprus College, Nicosia, Cyprus; (2) Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus
Verb Use Patterns Of Children With Specific Language Impairment: An Experimental Study Of Event Representations. (Poster)
*Iris Badia, Miquel Serra
Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Gestures and Cognitive Gains in Children with Specific Language Impairment (Poster)
*David Messer (1), Karen Pine (2), Nikki Lufkin (2)
(1) Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; (2) University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK
Searching for clinical markers of Specific Language Impairment in Greek (Poster)
*Nafsika Smith (1), Susan Edwards (1), Vesna Stojanovik (1), Spyridoula Varlokosta (2)
(1) University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; (2) University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Anaphoric Processing in Children with Specific Language Impairment (Poster)
*Richard G. Schwartz (1), Arild Hestvik (1), David Swinney (2), Liat Seiger (1), Diana Almodovar (1), Stacy Asay (1)
(1) The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, USA; (2) University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, USA
Morpho-syntactic performance in the narratives of children with language impairment. (Poster)
*Anne Hesketh, Catherine Adams
School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Adult-Child Interaction and the Acquisition of the Bulgarian Verbal Aspect by Children with Specific Language Impairment (Poster)
*Juliana Stojanova (1), Rositsa Yakimova (2)
(1) Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria; (2) New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Language Processing Overload: Evidence from sentence comprehension of Japanese SLI children (Poster)
*Yumiko Tanaka Welty (1), Lise Menn (2)
(1) International University of Health and Welfare, Tochigi, Japan; (2) University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Nonword repetition in Spanish-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment (Poster)
*Dolors Girbau (1), Richard G. Schwartz (2)
(1) University Jaume I, Castelló, Spain; (2) City University of New York, New York, USA
How different SLI might be in Turkish? A first step in developing a language assesment test (Poster)
*Seyhun Topbas, Özlem Dogramacı, İlknur Mavis, İbrahim Diken
Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Executive Processes of Finnish Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Private and Social Speech from a Dyadic Approach (Poster)
*Dolors Girbau (1), Ritva-Maija Ruohonen (2), Tapio Korhonen (2)
(1) University Jaume I, Castelló, Spain; (2) University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Word Length as a Criterion of Linguistic Complexity of Texts: A Crosslinguistic and Developmental Study (Poster)
Bracha Nir-Sagiv
Department of Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Lexical and referential influences on on-line sentence processing: A comparison of school-aged children and adults. (Poster)
*Evan Kidd (1), Edith L. Bavin (2)
(1) Max Planck Child Study Centre Manchester, United Kingdom; (2) La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia
Development of vocabulary and grammar in young German-speaking children assessed with a German language development inventory (Poster)
Melanie Franik (1), *Gisela Szagun (1), Claudia Steinbrink (1), Barbara Stumper (2)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of Oldenburg, Germany; (2) Transferzentrum für Neurowissenschaften und Lernen, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Ulm, Germany
The Generalized self. The Acquisition of the German Pronoun \'man\' (Poster)
*Werner Deutsch, Mechthild Klinke, Christliebe El Mogharbel
Institute of Psychology, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
Morpho-syntactic influences on the acquisition of reference: a cross-linguistic perspective (Poster)
Margot Rozendaal
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The frequencies of maternal responses and infant intentional communicative acts in play at 10 months—Implications for the early communicative and linguistic development (Poster)
*Leila Paavola (1), Sari Kunnari (1), Irma Moilanen (2)
(1) Department of Finnish, Information Studies and Logopedics, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland; (2) University Clinic of Child Psychiatry, Department of Pediatrics, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Dynamic assessment of language disturbances:A bridge towards intervention (Poster)
*Angeles Mayor, Begoña Zubiauz
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Salamanca, Spain
The Vocabulary Burst and Motor Skills (Poster)
*Kirsty Krawczyk (1), Katie Alcock (2)
(1) Lancaster University, Lancaster, England; (2) Lancaster UK, lancaster, United Kingdom
Expressive Vocabulary in Language Learners from Two Ecological Settings in Argentina, Italy, and the United States (Poster)
*Linda R. Cote, Marc H. Bornstein
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, USA
Gesture development in the early childhood (Poster)
*Svetlana Kapalková
Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Semantic Processing during Language Production in Typically Developing Children (Poster)
*Liat Seiger (1),Patricia J. Brooks (2), Richard G. Schwartz (1)
(1) The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, New York, USA; (2) The College of Staten Island, The City University of New York, New York, USA
The Effect of Labelling on Feature-Based Categorisation Processes (Poster)
Jon-Fan Hu, Kim Plunkett
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
The Semantics of Children’s Mandarin Chinese: The first four years (Poster)
*Adrian Tien
University of New England, Canberra, Austria
Learning How to Encode \"Cutting and Breaking\" Events in Mandarin (Poster)
Jidong Chen
Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Comprehension of noun phrases in Cantonese-speaking pre-school children (Poster)
*Wai Lam Ho (1), Kwok Shing Wong (2)
(1) The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; (2) The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China
Can Spanish children under two years of age use lexical labels to form new object categories? (Poster)
*Elena Lamela, Pilar Soto
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Vocabulary spurt in early lexical development: longitudinal evidence from Changsha children (Poster)
Tao Zeng (1), Aijun Huang (1), *Thomas Hun-tak Lee (2)
(1) ICS, Hunan University, Changsha, China; (1) ICS, Hunan University, Changsha, China; (2) Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and ICS, Hunan University, Changsha, China
Object and Non-object Words in Early Language Development (Poster)
Stephanie Girard (1), *Yuriko Oshima-Takane (1), Isadora Szadokierski (2), Susanne Miyata (3), HiroYuki Nisisawa (4)
(1) McGill University, Montreal, Canada; (2) University of Minesota, Minneapolis, USA; (3) Aichi Shukutoku University, Nagoya, Japan; (4) Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan
Lexical Access in School-Aged Children with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (Poster)
*Liat Seiger
The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, USA
Spatial language acquisition in three typologically different languages (Poster)
Mariko Hayashi (1), *Kristine Jensen de López (2,3)
(1) University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark; (2) University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark; (3) Faculty of Humanities, Denmark
The effect of transitivity and argument structure on lexical finite verb production in children with SLI (Poster)
Ramesh Kumar Mishra
Dept. of Speech-Language Sciences, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Karnataka, India
The Acquisition of Experiencers (Poster)
*Vicenc Torrens, Linda Escobar
U.N.E.D., Madrid, Spain
use of crosslinguistic constructions to determine universal principles in child language development (Poster)
Lamya Abdulkarim
King Saud University
crosslinguistic evidence for universal grammar: the negative barrier (Poster)
Lamya Abdulkarim
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
TROG-2 in Polish: How Polish children understand grammatical markers? (Poster)
*Magdalena Smoczynska, Sylwia Jurys, Edyta Nowak, Joanna Mika
Jagellonian University, Kraków, Poland
Children\'s word order competence: Results from act-out and intermodal preferential looking tasks (Poster)
*Angel Chan (1), Kerstin Meints (2)
(1) Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany; (2) University of Lincoln, UK
What’s acquired in syntactic development? Evidence from cross-linguistic examination of word order acquisition. (Poster)
*Merce Prat-Sala (1), Ulrike Hahn (2)
(1) University College Winchester, Winchester, United Kingdom; (2) Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Does the classifier system influence young children’s conceptual structure? : Noun extension, property inference, and classification in Chinese and German preschoolers. (Poster)
*Henrik Saalbach (1), Mutsumi Imai (2)
(1) Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany; (2) Keio University at Shonan-Fujisawa, Japan
There’s no “bias” here: Hungarian nouns and verbs as competitive growers (Poster)
Leslie Nabors Oláh
Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA
“The 4OO words”: relations between the lexicon and the morphosyntax (Poster)
*Miquel Serra (1), Mònica Sanz (1), Iris Badia (1), Antoni Hernandez (2)
(1) Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (2) Departament de Lingüística, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
The interaction between phonological and lexical growth in English- and Mandarin-speaking children. (Poster)
*Ellen Hamilton (1), Twila Tardif (1), Paul Fletcher (2), Weilan Liang (3), Zhixiang Zhang (3), Virginia Marchman (4), Jiayin Wu (1)
(1) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; (2) University College, Cork, Ireland; (3) Peking University First Hospital Beijing, China: (4) Univeristy of Texas, Dallas, USA
Production of nouns and verbs by mothers and children at different stages of vocabulary development (Poster)
*Nicoletta Salerni, Alessandra Assanelli, Laura D\'Odorico
Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Noun and verb naming in German and Turkish: a crosslinguistic study (Poster)
*Christina Kauschke (1), *Alkim Ari (2)
(1) University of Potsdam, Institute of Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany: (2) Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
The development of children’s lexical skills: a cross-linguistic investigation (Poster)
*Christina Schelletter (1), *Christina Kauschke (2)
(1) University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom; (2) Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Qualitative differences in the picture naming of children and adults (Poster)
*Helgard Kremin (1), Sonia Madrid (1), Cécile Chevalier (2), Anne Séguin (1)
(1) LEAPLE, Villejuif, France; (2) CHU, Tours, France
Language acquisition in Swedish children reflected by the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. (Poster)
*Marten Eriksson (1), Eva Berglund (2)
(1) Department of Education and Psychology, University of Gavle, Gavle, Sweden; (2) Department of Psychology, Uppsala, Sweden
Language acquisition in Italian children reflected by the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (Poster)
*M. Cristina Caselli, Patrizio Pasqualetti, Silvia Stefanini
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche (CNR), Rome, Italy
The acquisition of Basque reflected by the adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CDI (Poster)
*Margareta Almgren (1), Julia Barnes, Amaia Colina, Iñaki García
(1) University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Intwining of lexical and grammatical development in highly inflected language: the Croatian adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CDI (Poster)
*Melita Kovacevic (1), Jelena Kuvac (1), Maja Cepanec (2)
(1) University of Zagreb, Zagreb; Croatia; (2) Faculty for education and rehabilitation, Developmental neurolinguistics lab, Zagreb, Croatia
Language acquisition in Danish children reflected by the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories. (Poster)
*Dorthe Bleses (1), Werner Vach (1,2), Sonja Wehberg (1)
(1) Center for Language Acquisition, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; (2) Department of Statistics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Language acquisition in Dutch children reflected by the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (Poster)
*Inge Zink, Maryline Lejaegere
Lab. Exp. ORL/ENT-dept, KU, Leuven, Belgium
British English adaptations of the CDI: validity and preliminary norms. (Poster)
*Thomas Klee (1), Stephanie F. Stokes (2)
(1) University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK; (2) University of Reading, United Kingdom
French children\'s early communicative development: the French MacArthur-Bates CDI as a mean of evaluation (Poster)
*Sophie Kern, Frederique Gayraud
Laboratory Dynamique du Langage, Lyon, France
Interrelationships between components of language and communicative development in Galician reflected by the MacArthur-Bates Inventories. (Poster)
*Miguel Pérez-Pereira, Pilar Fernández, Mariela Resches
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Early lexical and syntactic development in Icelandic as reflected by an adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates parent report. (Poster)
Elin Thordardottir
McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Monolingual and Bilingual Vocabulary Checklists in the Netherlands (Poster)
*Liesbeth Schlichting (1), *Karijn Helsloot (2), *Heleen van Agt (3), Henk lutje Spelberg (4), Harry de Koning (3)
(1) University Hospital, Utrecht, Netherlands; (2) Stichting Studio Taalwetenschap, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (3) Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, Netherlands; (4) Rijksuniversiteit, Groningen, Netherlands
The (European) Spanish CDIs: results on early vocal, gesture, vocabulary and grammar development, from 8 to 30 months. (Poster)
*Susana López-Ornat (1), Carlos Gallego (1), Pilar Gallo (1), Alexandra Karousou (1), Sonia Mariscal (2)
(1) Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), MAádrid, Spain; (2) Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Russian-Swedish Bilingual Acquisition (Poster)
Natalia Ringblom
The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stockholm University, Stockholm
Picture naming and developmental dyslexia (Poster)
*Sonia Madrid (1), Helgard Kremin (1), Marie-Thérèse Le Normand (2)
(1) LEAPLE CNRS, Villejuif, France; (2) INSERM, Hôpital Robert Debré, Paris, France
Developing bilingual narrative competence: L1 – Russian, L2 – German (Poster)
*Katharina Meng (1), Ekaterina Protassova (2)
(1) Institute for German Language, Mannheim, Germany; (2) University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Friday, July 29, 2005
13.00-14.30 h
XXIII.1 Poster Session 4 Room:
Poster: Poster Session 4
PANELISTS AND PAPERS Should English Be Taught to Saudi Young Children? (Poster)
Reima Sado Al-Jarf
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Can Bilingual Infants Discriminate Languages Visually? (Poster)
*Whitney M. Weikum, Janet F. Werker
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Bilingualism in Individuals with ASD: A survey study (Poster)
*Erin MacInnis (1), Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird (1), Jeanette Holden (2)
(1) Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; (2) Queen\'s University, Canada
Elena Dieser
University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Interaction of developing morphological systems in early Italian-Russian bilinguals. (Poster)
Tatjana Kenina
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Bilingualism in early childhood and ways of plasticity (Poster)
Nina Alexandrowa
Sprachbrücke e.V., Berlin, Germany
Production of BE in early Italian speech. (Poster)
*Claudia Caprin, Maria Teresa Guasti
Department of Psychology- University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Exploring the diminutive advantage in gender acquisition: Evidence from Serbian (Poster)
*Nada Ševa (1)+(2), Vera Kempe (2)
(1) Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro; (2) Psychology Department, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK
is there a universal grammatical default? (Poster)
Lamya Abdulkarim
King Saud University
Acquisition of Slovenian Verb Inflection Paradigms: a Case study (Poster)
Teodor Petric
Department of German studies, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dynamic processing of derivational morphology in Spanish monolingual children (Poster)
*Alejandra Auza, Arturo Hernández, Iliana Reyes
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico
Language for Scientific Literacy (Poster)
*Carol Westby (1), Kelly Smyer (2)
(1) Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; (2) Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque, NM, USA
The development of children’s implicit theories of learning to write (Poster)
*María Belén Bosch (1), Montserrat de la Cruz (1), María Faustina Huarte (1), Nora Scheuer (2)
(1) CRUB, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina; (2) CONICET and CRUB, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Bariloche, Argentina
Age-related changes in the efficiency of spoken language comprehension by Spanish-learning children in the U.S. (Poster)
*Nereyda Hurtado, Virginia Marchman, Anne Fernald
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
A comparative expressive language performance of normally developing children and children with language delay in Turkish (Poster)
*Ilknur Mavis, Seyhun Topbas
Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey
Encouraging language awareness and improving reading learning in preschool children in multiethnic contexts (Poster)
*Françoise Armand, François Sirois
Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Guiche or Guishe? Dialect-sensitive Scoring of Spanish Non-words (Poster)
*Elaine R. Silliman (1), Maria R. Brea-Spahn (1), Ruth H. Bahr (1), Louise C. Wilkinson (2)
(1) University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA; (2) Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA
Effective assessment of institutionalized infants\' and toddlers’ language development in Malawi: The development of assessments in English and Chichewa (Poster)
*Kim Ferguson (1), Marianella Casasola (1), Tanya Ferguson (2)
(1) Cornell University, Ithaca, United States; (2) Knox College, Galesburg, United States
Rule-governed behavior with 'Hebrew' nonce words – A continuous saga. (Poster)
*Orly Furman, Yonata Levy
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Social affinities and language in preschoolers’ social network at nursery school: a lexical analysis of topics. (Poster)
Stéphanie Barbu
UMR 6552 Ethologie Evolution Ecologie, Université de Rennes, Rennes, France
Negotiation of meaning and social dynamics in lower primary peerwork (Poster)
*Rita Elaine Silver
National Institute of Education, Singapore
Nature and extent of written language deficits in children with SLI (Poster)
*Clare Mackie (1), Julie Dockrell (2), Geoff Lindsay (1)
(1) University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; (2) Institute of Education, London, UK
Timed picture naming as a predictor of reading ability (Poster)
*Simonetta D’Amico (1), Daniela Marchione (2), Simone Bentrovato (2), Antonella Devescovi (2)
(1) University of Rome la Sapienza, Rome + University of Aquila, Aquila, Italy; (2) University of Rome la Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Lexical skills in English monolingual children: Differences between nouns and verbs (Poster)
*Christina Schelletter
The University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom
Children’s understanding of synonymy in oral and written tasks (Poster)
*Claudia Portilla, Ana Teberosky
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of Barcelona, Spain
Effects of Mild-to-Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss on Language in Late Childhood and Adolescence (Poster)
*Hélène Delage, Laurie Tuller
Laboratoire \"Langage & Handicap\" J.E. 2321, Tours, France
Early topicalization in ASL? Additional evidence for parallels between spoken intonation and sign nonmanual patterns (Poster)
Deborah Chen Pichler
Gallaudet University, Washington, DC USA
The speech evaluation of 7-8 years old children with hearing loss. (Poster)
*Fateme Derakhshande (1), Nafise Yoosefi (2), Afsane Gholamiyan (2)
(1) Academic member of Isfahan, University of medical sciences,Isfahan,Iran; (2) Speech therapist, Isfahan, Iran
Language Development and Text Comprehension in Deaf Children (Poster)
Claudia Sanchez
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Qq), Canada
Embodied gesture in Deaf and hearing native signing preschoolers (Poster)
*Paula Marentette, Natasha Tuck
Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta
Input selection in Logogenia: Input and language development in deafness (Poster)
*Laura Mazzoni (1), Debora Musola (2), *Elisa Franchi (2)
(1) University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; (2) University of Venice, Venice, Italy
Quality matters. Poverty of the Stimulus in Logogenia. Data from Deaf Italian (Poster)
Elisa Franchi
University of Venice, Venice, Italy
Levels of Symbolic Play and relating Communicative Development in a Deaf Child: a single-case study (Poster)
*Silvia Baldi, Michela Nunzi, Davide Tufarelli
Departiment of Human Communication Science, Tosinvest Sanità, S.Raffaele Pisana, Rome, Italy
Narrative Comprehension in Deaf Children (Poster)
*Andrée Boisclair (1), Hélène Makdissi (2), Claudia Sanchez (1)
(1) Laval University, Québec, Canada; (2) Sherbrooke University, Québec, Canada
Gesture: overlapping area between verbal skill and motor ability. (Poster)
*Fabiana Grimandi, Paola Bonifacci, Silvana Contento
Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy
Baby sign with hearing infants: Interaction with spoken language development (Poster)
*Anna Vogel Sosa, Carol Stoel-Gammon
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Negation in American Home Sign Systems (Poster)
Amy Franklin
University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
*Martin Leyrer (1)+(2), Silvia Pixner (2), Klaus Albegger (1)
(1) Cochlear-Implant-Center Salzburg, Department of Otolaryngology, Paracelsus University Medical School Salzburg; (2) Department of Linguistics, University Salzburg
Acoustical Analysis of Rhythmicity in Infant Babbling (Poster)
*Jill Dolata, Barbara Davis, Peter MacNeilage
The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
Dislexia or Learning Disabilities Associated with the Auditory Processing Disorders? (Poster)
Denise Inazacki Rangel
FEEVALE University Center
Influence of visual-spatial information processing on discourse of Russian speaking children (Poster)
*Irina Ovchinnikova
Department of General Linguistics, Perm, Russia
The measurment of phonological acquisition in Slovak in crosslinguistic view (Poster)
Iveta Bonova (1), Marina Mikulajova (2), *Daniela Slancova (1)
(1) Presov University, Presov, Slovak Republic; (2) Commenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Socio-Cultural Factors in the Differential Rate of Acquisition of Sounds in Ibibio Children (Poster)
*Ekaete Evangel Akpan
Department of Linguistics, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria
Whole-word measurement for Finnish children at the end of the one-word stage (Poster)
*Katri Saaristo-Helin (1), Tuula Savinainen-Makkonen (1), Sari Kunnari (2)
(1) University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; (2) University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Interaction between Phonological and Lexical Development of Putonghua-speaking children (Poster)
*Hua Zhu
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Why to use the conjunction pero? A usage-based approach to Spanish early acquisition. (Poster)
Vianey Varela
Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Implicatures and the acquisition of Spanish ser vs. estar (Poster)
*Karen Miller, Cristina Schmitt
Michigan State University, USA
The acquisition of the Russian discourse marker zhe (же) (Poster)
*Aleksandra Sudobina
postgraduate (Moscow State University), Moscow, Russia
Auditory Recognition in School-Age Children: Semantic and Phonological Priming Effects (Poster)
Melinda Velez
The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York, New York, USA
Ideas for Classroom Research A Proposal for combining Theory, Research and Practice The presence of formulas in young children\'s oral production and the value of explicit teaching of Formulaic Language elements in the second language classroom. (Poster)
*Elizabeth Forster, Teresa Fleta
British Council Primary School, Madrid, Spain
Investigation of the Development and Plasticity of the Manner-Path Lexicalization Bias in English Speaking Adults and Children (Poster)
Catherine Havasi (1), *Jesse Snedeker (2)
(1) Brandeis University, Waltham MA, USA; (2) Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA
A Case Study of the Development of Preschool Children’s Figurative Language (Poster)
ZheenG Li
School of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing , China
Object clitic and en clitic omission in child Catalan naturalistic productions (Poster)
*Anna Gavarró, Meritxell Mata, Eulàlia Ribera
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
The verb dat\' (to give) as the earliest causative verb in the Russian child speech (Poster)
Ekaterina Brovko
Institute for Linguistic Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences), St. Petersburg, Russia
How Do Children Learn Romani Syntax (Poster)
*Hristo Kyuchukov
Veliko Turnovo University, Sofia, Bulgaria
Early production of VP ellipsis in European Portuguese (Poster)
Ana Lúcia Santos
Universidade de Lisboa
The morphosyntactic development of a child with Down Syndrome: the production of the gender marker of the determiner (Poster)
*Letícia Pacheco Ribas (1,2), Franceli Zimmer (1), Ubiratã Alves (2)
(1) Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil; (2) PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
A Case of Exceptional Reading Ability in Down Syndrome (Poster)
*Margriet Groen, Glynis Laws, Kate Nation, Dorothy Bishop
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Characteristics of Stuttering in Subjects with Down Syndrome (Poster)
Bárbara Backes, Gabriela Wolff, Denise Inazacki Rangel, Letícia Pacheco Ribas
FEEVALE University Center, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
A Longitudinal Study of Language Development in Children with Williams or Down Syndromes (Poster)
Teresa F. Doyle (1), *Judy Reilly (2), Diana K. Kikuchi (3), Ursula Bellugi (4)
(1) The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, United States (2) San Diego State University, San Diego, United States (3) The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, United States (4) The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, United States
Relation between early speech delay (3/4 years) and reading outcomes (7/8 years) (Poster)
*María Fernanda Lara-Díaz (1), Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla (2)
(1) Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; (2) Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Underlying Processes in Early Writing Disorders in Children with Language Impairments (Poster)
*Cynthia Johnson, Julie Hengst, Paul Prior, Simone Frame, Lu-Chun Lin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA
Helena Bolli Mota, Giovana Romero Paula, Márcia Keske-Soares
Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
A Data-Based Classification of Child Speech Disorders of Unknown Origin (Poster)
*Beate Peter, Carol Stoel-Gammon
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Impairments in inner speech in individuals with autism (Poster)
Andrew Whitehouse (1), Murray Maybery (1), *Kevin Durkin (2)
(1) University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia; (2) University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
the early comunicative and linguistic development in preterm children without a certified neurobiological disease: compared individual profiles (Poster)
*Micaela Capobianco, *Luciano Baldini, Antonella Devescovi
Dipartimento di Psicologia dei processi di Svilupp e Socializzazione, Università \"La Sapienza\", Roma, Italia
Socially Determined Language Adjustment in Speakers With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Poster)
*Joanne Volden, Autumn Sorenson
Speech Pathology and Audiology University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Early lexical and morphosyntactical development in children with perinatal brain lesions (Poster)
*Maja Cepanec, Marta Ljubešić
Faculty for education and rehabilitation, Developmental neurolinguistics lab, Zagreb, Croatia
Origins of language disorders in Dutch-speaking children with psychiatric impairment (Poster)
*Claudia Blankenstijn (1), Annette Scheper (2)
(1) Research Centre for Child and Youth Psychiatry Curium, Oegstgeest, The Netherlands; (2) Research Centre for Child and Youth Psychiatry Curium, Oegstgeest + Centre for Communication Disorders Sint Marie, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Linguistic capacity after right hemispherectomy: The case of Ana (Poster)
Silvia Romero-Contreras (1), *Cynthia Klingler (2)
(1) Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, USA and Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico; (2) Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Conversations between professionals and children with cerebral palsy (Poster)
*Pernille Holck, Ulrika Nettelbladt
Department of logopedics, phoniatrics and audiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Measuring Speech Motor Skills in High Functioning Autistic Children (Poster)
*Müzeyyen Ciyiltepe (1), Tümer Türkbay (2)
(1) GATA-KBB AD, Etlik, Ankara, TURKEY; (2) GATA-Çocuk Ruh Sağlığı AD, Etlik, Ankara, TURKEY
Late Language Acquisitions and Reformulation (Symposia)
*Claire Martinot (1), *Elena Zaretsky (2), *Olga Gromova (3), *Jelena Kuvac (4), *Urzula Paprocka-Piotrowska (5), Sonia Gerolimich (6)
(1) University René Descartes, Paris 5-Sorbonne, Department of General and Applied Linguistics LEAPLE, UMR 8606; (2) Department of Communication Disorders, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA; (3) Department of Speech and Language Pathology, Research Institute of Special Education, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia; (4) Laboratory for Psycholinguistic Research, Department of Speech - Language Pathology, University of Zagreb, Croatia; (5) Catholic University of Lublin, Department of French Studies, Poland; (6) University of Trieste, MoDyco, UMR 7114, Italy
The Perception of Short vs. Long Vowels in Monosyllabic Thai Words as Indexed by Mismatch Negativity Brain Responses (Symposia)
*Wichian Sittiprapaporn, Chittin Chindaduangratn, Naiphinich Kotchabhakdi
Neuro-Behavioural Biology Center, Institute of Science and Technology for Research and Development, Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakhonpathom, Thailand
\" Bravo, tu marches ! \" A French child\'s use of the second person pronoun. (Poster)
*Aliyah Morgenstern, Mireille Brigaudiot
LEAPLE CNRS, Paris, France
Segmental procedures and their relation to the learning of the writing skill (Poster)
*Silvanne Ribeiro Santos, Ana Teberosky
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
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Selasa, 11 Desember 2007
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